I decided that I would take a photo of the Ranges from Lock as we can
see them (just) I could see them well with the naked eye but when I got
home and uploaded my pics onto the computer I wasnt sure whether I could make
them out or my monitor just needed a good clean!!!! But they are there,
Sunday, November 30, 2008
karen is a funny fishy
My little Christmas box
If you haven't given them a go yet make sure you try at least one ... very quick and easy and so effective.
the ranges
all boxed up
Leonie hosted a scrap a thon from 2pm to 2am.
I managed to get there after tea. I am working on my 16 Christmas bon bon boxes atm so they created a bit of interest. I should some ladies there how to fold one up.
Hiya Denise, Ronnie, Chris, Carmen, Amy, Leonie. We have nicknamed ourselves 'The Box B*****s
I know of at least 5 boxes created last night complete with the PP bows so have asked the ladies to send me their pics of their masterpieces to be posted.
Lets see how many respond!!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Sandra's box and damsak!
Okay I am cheating here... two challenges rolled into one.
Firstly the
origami box...and secondly the damask... yes its there, on the bottom box... and
you can also see it a bit on the pp on the lid.
Have been wanting to do the
box challenge for ages... but felt a bit 'christmased out' then read your
challenge... and 'voila'.... inspiration. A gift box for another
Might still have to do a layout with the damask pattern though..
Didn't realise how prevalent it was in my stash until I looked for it!
Friday, November 28, 2008
and she says... so what's next??.
Just doing a very quick reminder that TODAY is the last day to finalize payments and bookings for the retreat.
We have had a great response for the classes - thanks!
Still a few outstanding to pay so please get onto that today - we would hate for people to be taken off the class list :(
Challenge 22
It doesn't have to be black and white either - they could be in ANY colour. Dont think that they are too flowery for boy pages too - they look absolutely awesome on ANY page.
If you dont have anything in your stash right this minute to participate - dont dispair. Go to google images and look for 'damask' you will find hundreds of designs you can print onto plain paper (yes reflex is acid free) and incorperate THAT into your page.
xmas boxes
a couple of nights ago i had some time to sit and make the boxes Tiff posted about on here = the last challenge.
They were sooooooooooo easy it wasn't funny! I really thought i had done something majorly wrong as they were too easy! But nope - they turned out perfectly.
I used Basic Grey papers which seem to be just the right thickness to get everything to fold and stay in place - with no adhesive. AMAZING! Bazzill seems to be a bit thick to get the nice crisp folds and you need to be careful with flimsy patterned paper as it wont be thick enough. Incredible to think you can make a box just with a few very easy folds.
I have a few gift vouchers to give to people this year for Christmas so will be giving them in a box like this. So cute!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
This is what happens when you
mix 5 elf suits, some disco music and the amazing dance moves by Tiff, Meredith, Sue and myself (along with a special guest appearance by Ali Edwards)
oh i hope you are laughing as much as i am!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
home at the range
A couple of shots from her. The top one is the view from her property at Edillilie. ( I bet Sue can relate to this one.
I do love the barb wire foreground. Very country. Great depth of field. This 0ne is just south of Cummins on the highway.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
sandras shots of the ranges
Westwards from Wandillilie
So this is just the north block part just now as the sun is setting...
I love to sit on my front veranda and watch the sun setting over those ranges.
Marble ranges from my spot
This one you need to use your imagination a little!! It was taken in October this year from Coffin Bay. One of the first times I stayed at Coffin Bay with John he pointed out this perspective ... a man's profile ... think bushy eyebrows, nose and chin!!
more fab shots of the hill
Monday, November 24, 2008
Hi Tammi
do u see the West Coast wave where u are living now?? You know, that little finger wave from the steering wheel.
cant wait to see your creations.
Got my camera out tonight to show you my view. The creative shot didnt quite work how i wanted it to as the Ranges just look like a couple of blue blobs in the background - bloody depth of field grrrrrrrrrrrr! LOL
view from front of our house-
and blue blobs -
Thanks for sharing girls and i hope we see a few more aspects of Marble Ranges! Marika i bet you would have some awesome 'up close and personal' shots!
while you are all busy whipping up your boxes...
I thought of this idea while at Meredith's house on Saturday and yes i had had a couple of cold beverages at the time but thought it was an idea worth thinking on a bit more when i was thinking 100% correctly.
As i was hanging Kelsey's knickers (sprinkler incident) on the line i noticed the most magnificent view of the Marble Ranges that Meredith has. This got me thinking (in a wonky kind of way) that Meredith, Tiff and Me all have this very similar view. THEN i realized that Sue has a view of the same thing - but different angle. Marika would have another angle again (yes i know it isn't really ground breaking news here but bear with me)
So this little mini challenge is to go outside and photograph your view of the Marble Ranges. Cummins girls might need to drive out of the town a little way - not sure of wether the girls from Lock can even see them for that matter! PL girls may need a trip out of town also.
Send me your pics and let's see how many different sides we can capture. Maybe you would like to get creative with your shot? Sunset, Sunrise, rain? Let's see what you come up with.
Dont forget i want to see your boxes too - of the cardboard variety!
Can't wait to see what you can come up with. I will post my new pic later tonight if all goes to plan but here are a couple from Coffins a few years ago..........
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Challenge 21
With Christmas in mind, I challenge you to make a Christmas Box. This idea came from here. Don't be scared. It is really easy. I had 2 done last night within an hour, complete with bows. You dont need double sided PP for the boxes but you will for the PP bow. A quick way to use up some of the PP stash.
Hint: PP is easier to manipulate than cardstock for the boxes.
In my excitement I made a boo boo with the red lid box. The music PP was supposed to be the lid but I got the measurements mixed around. Damn. It would have looked heaps better with the music notes on the lid. Oh well. The PP bow is very straight forward. Did find my adhesive wasn't strong enough as they kept popping apart so I ended up stapling. You cant see the staples so this would be heaps quicker.
Now the Sheer lid box. That was a 'b*****d' to score and fold. Stiff unyielding stuff when folded into several layers. Had to hold the tongue in the right spot and say a couple of magic cuss words and then it came together. Had to hold this one with some invisible scotch tape as it wanted to spring open again.
Otherwise straight forward.
Easy way to make Christmas bon bons with a twist. (bright idea)
These are the two links you need
The first one is for the box folding-origami style and the second one is to make the twisted PP bows.
so, jump to it.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
thanks girls, a reminder and some of Karen D's scrapping genius
Thought I'd share my latest project with you, its an idea that is getting
around on a few websites and blogs and the original inspiration was from Ali
Edwards. Its a journal for December "Days till Christmas", the idea is
that you have it all "done" so when December comes around all you have to do is
add the photo and journal. In mine I have just used up off cuts and left
overs from my box of scraps, nothing matches and that is the look I am trying to
achieve. Now just to find something interesting enough to journal about
every day!!!! LOL
we're baaackk
the music paper is perfect and I love the jaunty tilt of the sax (my favourite instrument)
Awesome stuff chick.
Judy has nailed how to email her projects...*insert long loud applause*... at last. So without any further ado I can show you what Judy has been up to.
Dawson is Judy's adored Grandson that lives up the Top End. Judy visited him and his parents not long ago. So great to see lots of Pics of him Judy. I do love the play on words with (B)RAT.
This one is really awesome. You need to see the details in real life to appreciate the hours of embroidery that went into this one. The silver thread represents barb wire. From a side angle you can really see the wraps of thread like the coiled wire of a barb.