Tuesday, December 30, 2014

e2c 2015 chauffeur service - airport pickup

Sandra Wallace and Trish Stevens have volunteered to coordinate this very valuable service to e2c in 2015. It has certainly been appreciated in the past, and although the airport is not far from our retreat accommodation, it's one less thing to worry about  on arrival.

There were many comments of loving the friendly faces greeting them at the airport and certainly adds to the 'country hospitality' feel of our retreat. Thanks Sandra and Trish.

Here's a message from them: 

For those of you flying in.. The friendly e2c Chauffeur Service will be available again in 2015. 
Available from (very) early Friday morning.
If you would like to be picked up from the airport please send your name, flight and arrival time to 


 Please note that there is strictly NO ADMITTANCE to the e2c shed PRIOR to the arranged 'opening times', however luggage may be dropped off with the accompaniment of Trish and Sandra.

e2c 2015 bedding - can you help?

As in previous years, e2c is offering to organise bedding for those who are flying in to lessen the luggage load. Many thanks to Sandra Wallace who has volunteered to coordinate this big job. What a champion!

(for those who are newbies to e2c, our accommodation requires all linen to be BYO)

Of course we can only do this with the amazing, country hospitality and generosity of our local girls.

Here is a message from Sandra: 

Local girls .. Can you help out again?
For the 2015 retreat we have a lot of retreat goers flying in and baggage restrictions is always a BIG problem .. And we can help these girls by providing them with bedding and towels . Since last years Bedding Buddy system worked so well and those travelling in appreciated it so much , I thought I might help by organising it again for the 2015 retreat . 
Here is how it works 
I ask local girls to please supply bedding, which will include:
A quilt or blankets
Pillow and pillowcase.
Bath Towel
And a
Plastic bag to put the dirty linen in at the end of the retreat.
Each local will be buddied with someone flying in
If you could supply more than one set of linen that would be awesome!
So if you can help please email me (see address below) with your name and also how many sets you are able to supply.
Let's wow the travellers again with our country hospitality again girls 
Thanks in advance. 

and a message to those flying in :

We will be having a bedding buddy system happening at the 2015 retreat ... 
This is where some local girls help you out with baggage restrictions by providing you with bedding and a towel for the weekend ( leaving more room for your scrap supplies  ) 

If you are flying in and need bedding or a local who can bring extra linen supplies please contact Sandra on : 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Some more details about Escape2Create 2015 ...

For new scrappers interested in attending ...

For those newbies wondering why registration is a big deal. We only have space at our accommodation for a set number of scrapbookers. In the first few years we had to beg people to attend- i think we may have had 40 or so come along… over time and reputation, the numbers crept up until about three years ago when we reached 80 and felt we were at absolute capacity. I can hear people wondering "why not hold it somewhere else where there is room for everyone who wants to come?". We live rurally and hold the retreat in our nearby local 'city' which is still pretty small. There are no other accommodation options locally that would hold that many, have the space and freedom that we currently do. Plus holding the retreat where we do is what helps us keep our e2c costs down. Many have said that e2c would lose 'something' if we went to the more expensive venue or moved the whole shebang to Adelaide. We love how friendly and 'country-fied' our retreat is, and it is most definitely an ego free zone. We want to keep that special feeling. While limiting numbers is incredibly frustrating (for attendees and for us) hopefully you can understand why it is so.

The wait list...

The registration emails received tomorrow are processed in a strict 'time in inbox' method. We have always taken pride in our fair system. Once our spots get filled, and there are no seats left, your name will be placed on the 'wait list'.

While many despair at not getting the initial congratulation 'you are in' email, in the past we have worked through our wait lists as time goes by and other commitments crop up. Last year we had someone fill a vacancy one night before the actual retreat date and we had NO ONE LEFT ON OUR WAIT LIST. Everyone who had sent a registration email in had a chance to attend.
So if you get a 'oh no' email - please don't feel like it's the end of the world. There are always cancellations and there is EVERY chance your name will come up and you will get the opportunity to come along too.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

information about proxy registrations

With the e2c registration day only a few sleeps away i thought it would be a good idea to discuss our 'proxy' rules.

If you don't need to proxy - don't.

We developed this idea for people who may not have internet access, if they are at work or have other commitments at the time of registration. It was NOT for people thinking that they are doubling their chances of getting a spot. In fact it's quite the opposite.

The past few years there has been a lot of 'doubling' up of registrations ie. Jasmine emails her registration in and also has Shirley as a proxy. Shirley sends in her own registration and has Cindy as a proxy. Cindy sends her own email in.

As you can see it can get quite convoluted. The whole thing is time consuming for us trying to process everyone fairly and also completely pointless. It clogs the e2c inbox up, is frustrating to sort through and does not increase your chance of getting through in time at all.

If there is a need - please use it… but we need names and email addresses.

For those who do need to use the proxy rule, please only ask one person to do it for you. 
The person that submits your proxy will need your name, postal and email address to include on the initial registration email. The proxy registration will be null and void without this info.

We are trying to be fair to everyone.

We understand how coveted the seats are at e2c. We get that. We totally do.

 Please rest assured that we have a strict 'first in, first served' policy and hold great importance to truth, fairness, and the integrity of our system. With only 80 spots up for grabs and such a high demand, plus 7 years of retreat planning under our belt we believe we have a great registration process which gives everyone an equal opportunity to attend.

Good luck!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

e2c 2015… dates

Hi there!

Once again we are full tilt into organising our scrapbooking retreat escape2create!

As usual, the retreat will take place at North Shields, South Australia on Friday March 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd. As the extra day was such a hit last year we have decided to do it again - YIPEE!  This time it is not a public holiday though….just an e2c holiday!

The cost of the retreat is $280 and includes all meals, accommodation, goodie bags and a massive prize table raffle. There will be a variety of scrap shops open and we will offer classes from 4 amazingly inspiring and well known Australian scrappers. These ladies will be revealed soon. Classes and kits will be at an extra cost. 

Registrations to attend will take place very soon! Please mark SUNDAY 7th SEPTEMBER in your diaries. Email registrations - no texts or phone calls - will be accepted on this date from 2pm. The email address to contact is john.treloar@bigpond.com 

Please include your name and contact details (including email, mobile and postal address)  in your email. You may submit 1 proxy registration if needed for someone else who cannot register that day themselves. Please ensure your proxy registration is aware that you will be submitting their name and that they are not able to register for themselves. 

For those unfamiliar with e2c registrations :

  • we have 80 available seats (due to venue restrictions on space)
  • no seats (apart from teachers, shops and ourselves) are reserved. 
  • it is strictly a 'first in, first served' basis. This is dependant on the time your email is received at above email address. No attendee is 'handpicked' over another. We pride ourselves on a very fair system.
  • those 80 seats are taken up quickly. Waiting 5 minutes may mean you miss out!!
  • We normally have a long waiting list of those who did not register in time. Every year we get many, many cancellations. The message is : if you don't get in originally - don't despair!
  • After our registration list is complete you will receive a reply email stating : yes - your registration was successful  OR  no - sorry you missed out on registration but are on the waiting list.
  • Full payment must be made by December 1st 2014 (details will be given in the successful registration email)
  • There is a strict no refund policy after 30th January 2015.

We have our fingers crossed for everyone and hope to hear from you on September the 7th.

Meredith and Amanda
e2c retreats.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


our 2015 e2c logo

Incorporating lots of delicious triangles, navy, baby blue, petal pink and gold.

We hope you love it as much as we do!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

e2c lolly table printables

As you can see from our last post, e2c 2014 had a lolly table that was laden with all things yummy. In fact we went though 3 times the amount of lollies in 2014 than any other previous year. Why?

I'm not 100% sure but maybe it had something to do with our little framed signs… HA!

I've been asked to upload them for you to print off at home and use for project life cards etc. So here they are. I've left a few out that i don't have permission to re-gift.

If you click on the image you should then be able to download a full sized copy… a lot of these were found via pinterest and a couple i made or altered myself to fit in with our colour scheme.

(they look dark on my computer screen here but actually print off quite minty - well on mine they do anyway!)

*minty and fresh added as special request.

The black and white striped JOY poster can be found here…. a free printable.

and i was also inspired by this print from society6.

Hope this help with documenting your time at e2c with your PL.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


It's so hard to believe, but this time last week we were heading back to the Lion's Hostel after a meal out with our teachers and retailers. Our decorations were 95% done and the main jobs left to do were a million little ones.

They say time flies when you are having fun, but sometimes it feels that the e2c weekend just goes by in a blink of an eye… even with an extra day thrown in.

The whole e2c weekend kicked off for us last Thursday. After giving the kids a little hug goodbye and seeing them onto the buses, Meredith, John, Greg and I drove to North Shields. We had a super team behind us this year, knowing that i was a bit limited in the lifting department. Sandra W and Trish S were also heading over the hill to meet us there and were the most amazing, instrumental help in getting set up.

The first job was a bit of a clean up, then onto construction of our decorations. Usually the trestles are the first thing to get put up, but knowing that we had to do some elaborate ceiling bizzo they were going to be one of the very last jobs this year. I think this added a bit of a panicky feeling as Meredith and I felt behind in the setup all day… even though we were really right on track, just doing some things in different order.

via meredithtrel on Instagram

Before long we had some more amazing helpers arrive - Kim M, Kathryn D, Sue and Lauren. We all fluffed pom poms and constructed lanterns and fans and then took a very long time trying to work out how to tie them all together!! (insert slight 'running out of time' panic at this stage by Meredith).

via auntylauren on Instagram

 via bronzewing on Instagram

Our retailers had arrived by now and had started the HUGE task of setting up their shops. We cannot thank them enough for coming along and making such a massive effort of bringing all their wares for our shopping delight.

Then it was time to meet our teachers!! Meredith and I met Natalie Elphinstone and Gina Rodgersat the airport and even though we were all nervous, it was brilliant to meet these wonderfully inspiring ladies in person. We just love how our teachers are always so down to earth and humble of their talents. E2C is definitely a diva free zone.

Later we picked up Celeste Vermeend and Mardi Winen from the plane - more beautiful, down to earth  people, and arrived back from the airport to meet Kim Archer in the car park. And just like that all our teachers were here, all excited and looking forward to seeing what e2c was all about.

via bronzewing on Instagram

via natalieelph on Instagram

A little more fiddling with the decorations and then out to tea at the Marina. It was wonderful to sit and relax, eat and drink and get to know our teachers a little more.

Before long we headed back to the hostel to pack goodie bags and do some of the small fiddly last minute type jobs. (and hang some last minute decorations that i had actually forgotten - the hot air balloons that had taken me all day to make, and the table allocations that were a nightmare to print!)

Finally it was time to hit the sack and get a bit of rest before e2c really kicked off.

Friday was THE day and I woke and got ready for the day with butterflies in my tummy. Friday is always my most favourite day of the retreat… seeing everyone arrive, and watching their faces as they walk into the shed is just so rewarding and exciting. The teachers put the finishing touches on their kits

via kim__archer on Instagram

via celestejanev on Instagram

via natalieelph on Instagram

via kim__archer on Instagram

while Meredith and I put the finishing touches on other areas. Sandra and Trish were busy little bees chauffeuring people to and from the airport to the central meeting spot of the Port Lincoln Hotel.

Last minute jobs included filling the lolly table :
via natalieelph on Instagram

via meredithtrel on Instagram

via raquelp on Instagram

It seemed like no time at all and it was 12.50pm. Cars had been arriving since 12.15 (as usual) and the crowd was getting anxious to come in. We opened the door and it had begun!!

The rest of the long weekend passed in a blur - a good blur but way too fast. There were tears, laughter, creativeness, new skills and just a general *sigh* of ladies having time to themselves to do something that they love with some like minded women.

Every single class was amazing - in fact there were so many compliments on the classes it was crazy! All 4 of our teachers were brilliant - stepping us through their layouts and projects with ease. It's so good to see everyone with their heads down, really embracing the guest teachers techniques and learning something new. It's also really rewarding seeing the attendees coming up and thanking the teachers personally for the class.

The QR readers made it so much easier to view the step by step classes and we received many positive comments in our feedback forms on this.

Saturday flew by - with a VERY long winded prize table thrown in the mix (however where else does everyone EVERYONE win a prize!), and then it was Sunday… and next minute it was Monday.

4pm seemed to roll around very quickly and before we knew it people were hugging goodbye, with a few teary thank yous. Our families arrived, ready to help with the dismantling of the decorations, tables and general (but very large)  tidy up. Again Sandra and Trish were amazing helpers. Absolutely amazing right to the very last thing put in the car they were there. Many other ladies also pitched in this year and we feel so very grateful to each and everyone of you. I'm sure you can imagine that it's a huge job to tackle with only our family to help. Every single person who helped us was brilliant and we appreciate it so much.

Crazy to think that all that planning is all done - all gone for another year. Yes it is a lot of work, that can often be overwhelming but our reward is seeing 78 other ladies have the time of their life during the e2c experience. When people say goodbye to us and get emotional about how much this time out means to them - THAT is our reward and reason for doing it.

A beautiful thank you card made for us by the attendees via meredithtrel on Instagram

In the past two days I have had someone say to me that e2c has created a 'community' which actually made me cry - it felt so true! There is such a warm-ness, a togetherness and yes, a sense of community.