It was a little bit of trial and error ...
Extra tips ...
- Heidi Swapp said to stick the tissue paper to card stock ... we found a sheet of A4 paper was better
- Use a wooden rubon stick to smooth out the image as you go
- do a test run on a sheet of A4 paper to check that the image will fit onto your chosen candle
- you can trim around the image rather than having the tissue paper wrapped right around
- if you are careful you shouldn't need adhesive to stick the tissue paper onto the candle while it is being heated
- re positional adhesive is the way to go with tissue paper adhering to the A4 paper
- leave a 1 inch gap at the top of the A4 paper (so that the tissue paper is NOT right at the edge of the A4 paper) to give your printer something to "grab onto"
- Please note: this is a heat tool not a hairdryer
Images from House of 3 ...
If you don't want to pay for images ...
- google images, better if they have a white background
- use Word Art and various fonts and colours as this image shows ...
Let us know if you give it a try and send any more tips and photos in!
You could also use just patterned tissue paper ... there are lots around at News agencies and Supermarkets