Well we are moving on now to challenge 13 - lucky for some!! Apparently some of you have been
texting Tiff to see when a new challenge is coming!!! Eager beavers!!
This time a page is in order ...
your town!!
If you live on a farm or out of town then use your closest town.
So your page might be about a place you go in your town or features of your town or some historical facts, something like that. This page doesn't necessarily have to have people in the photos. Don't do it on your own home / house though.
Now I haven't even done an example page so it will be great to see how this one is interpreted!! One person I spoke to thought they could come up with a page and the other person didn't seem too keen on the idea ;-)
Give it a go!!
Here are some photos I took recently around Cummins...
Now just a note ... don't worry about feeling strange taking photos here, there and everywhere. It's all in name of art!! If someone looks at you strangely give them a strange look back!! If someone asks you what you are doing tell them ... you might get to speak to someone who lives in your town that you have never spoken to before.
My photos are not the type that you have to do either. You might have an old photo of something in your town and you could take a new one to compare how times have changed.
Just have fun ... can't wait to see you creations!!