We are honored and thrilled that FOUR amazing Australian scrapbookers have agreed to teach at our retreat next year.
There will be two technique workshops run by Michelle Dyson and Louise Nelson and two classes hosted by Fran Tynan and Tatum Woodroffe. Fran will be stepping you through two separate pages during her class and Tatum will help you create a double page layout.
(Incidentally if you had not heard the news, both Fran and Tatum were recently awarded the title of 2011 Scrapbooking Memories Magazine Master - and we are very excited to have them teaching us some of their amazing talent!)
The workshops are at a very minimal price of $10. There will be a variety of stations where you can try techniques following a short demonstration by Lou and Michelle. We envisage the workshops to be about 1 hour long with plenty of fun fiddling with new and exciting mediums and techniques.
The classes are $30 and $35 and a kit will be supplied with each class, packed with lots of yummy hot off the press products. These will run longer (about 3 - 4 hours) and you will create two pages of amazing-ness in both Fran and Tatum's class.
The workshops and classes will be staggered so they will not overlap - if you would like to attend all you may book in without fear of missing out on another class.
Classes / workshops are open to all attendees and there is no limit to how many you would like to participate in. It may be all of them or perhaps only one. Or you may like to just sit and scrap without attending a class and this is AOK too!
Registrations are open NOW until the 20th of December.
Full payment of classes are due on the 20th of January.
We realize that this is a busy time of the year so please do not delay in looking at which classes/workshops you would like to attend and let Meredith know ASAP.
Also a quick reminder that retreat payments ($170) need to be paid in full by the 30th of December.
Please scroll below to see class details.