Sunday, May 30, 2010
Stamp cleaning ...
Just found this post over at Studio Calico and thought it was very interesting ...
The link to the original Tim Holtz topic ...
You can also see Tim's other posts on distressing at his blog ...
Happy stamping!!
Clever idea ...
There is also an example for fabric!
Obviously we may not have easy access to Maya Road mist but Tattered Angels Glimmermist is available locally!! :-)
Saturday, May 29, 2010
WOS - Tiff
inspo from Color Room Palette 6 for the colour scheme and the bones of a sketch.
inspo from Twiddleybitz for the May nude chip challenge.
Sue's sketch- Janice
Hi Sue,
I have had this page done for awhile now and just never got around to photographing etc to put on the blog (Im not very good at the photographing and cropping bit).
After a phone call today from my good friend, I was asked if I would share it so decided it was time to send this email to you.
Thanks for another great sketch, look forward to the next one.
Wow Janice...thanks for sending this one in....i just love the colours and papers!! I love how you have mounted the journalling...i am seeing alot of this lately and just love it! Great photos and you have scrapped them beautifully!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sue - WOS
Here is Sande's:
Like i exact lift! But why change something if it is just perfect? I love her LO!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Tatum - WOS
Marika - WOS
A lift from fran tynans blog a layout called easter. It is great to get some pages done have used this green patterned paper that i think has been sitting in my pile for several years.
Thankyou Marika
Karen - etsy and WOS
Sunday, May 23, 2010
WOS - Sandra
This has blown me off my little computer chair. T.O.T.A.L.L.Y. I.N. A.W.E.
This is amazing Sandra. Bloody incredible infact.
She said:
I found the process of using just a piece of cardboard as the 'background' instead of the traditional cardstock or pp VERY liberating!!
WOS - Amanda
Friday, May 21, 2010
WOS - Marika
Mardi is a very inspiring person, her scrapping style is so 'up my alley' that i always feel like delving into my scrap stash after looking at her work. The colours and fabrics she uses are so clever.... so i don't blame you at all for picking her Marika!
You have done a fantastic job! I love the alphas you have used, the beautiful OA papers, the cluster of beautiful elements in the corner and of course that stunning photo of Bella.
WOS - Tatum
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Amanda - WOS
here for the blue dots to be teamed with it all
here for the cutouts of vellum and use of lots of flowers
here for the button and string
Sue - WOS
Here is mine: using some new OA papers and some old American Crafts chip shapes that i got from Spotlight a year ago (i think?!). I love the embellie cluster in the corner that Leanne uses leaving the page with plenty of 'white space'.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Amanda - WOS
I really wanted to do something beautiful and different with these new papers so i decided to look on the OA website. WOW talk about inspiration plus!
It is just so freeing (and quick) to copy a page... i love how it can fire up your enthusiasm again to scrap. The other thing is that i have used some of my new products in new ways - (all that fiddly cutting so isn't my normal thing) - so am trying to branch out and try something different and new for me.
Obviously i have changed the size and a few different elements but the 99.9% is Iris' work.
hmmm i wonder what products i have in my stash that can use up next?
Monday, May 17, 2010
mid month challenge...
Anyone want to join me?
For the past couple of weeks i have been feeling blah again with scrapping and mojo. We all know that this ebbs and flows and in an effort to combat this i did a mini clean up / clean out in my scrap room yesterday. I found A LOT of product which i have wanted to use for a long time but haven't yet found inspiration.
So i have done a back to front type of scraplift. I have found something in my stash that i want to use, say a Hambly transperancy for example, and found a page on the www. that i want to copy and voila...... i am scrapping again!
Two bonuses - use my stash and crank up the creativity.
(and also to say THANKS to those that inspire us!)
I hope others join me on this scraplift week. I wonder how many we can do?
Tatum - Sue's sketch
This is Tatum's scrapping - Sue sketch style! She said that it evolved a bit from the original sketch design (flipped on the side maybe?) but OMGosh isn't it all delicious!??
That bright red and white dot teamed with all those stunning brights are delightful. What a beautiful, inspiring creation and a great job making a sketch work for you.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
A little bit of Etsy - Meredith
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Okay further to my previous post ... !!!
Step 1.
Take a look at this layout ... here
Step 2.
Now look at my layout ...
Questions ...
Do you think it is a scraplift?
Do you think I was just inspired by the original design? Is that the same as scraplifting anyway?
Should I or should I not submit my layout to a magazine?
Oh just to add ... the little flag at the top was inspired by Waleska Neris in this post (fourth layout down)!!
The etiquette of inspiration (title title-lifted!!)
Post 1 ... here : How shall we be inspired?
Post 2 ... here: Shall we scraplift?As well as ...
Post 3 ... here: Where shall we store inspiration?
I would be interested to hear peoples' thoughts on this!
Do you think this information is over the top or the right thing to do???
Friday, May 14, 2010
Sandra - gone etsy
I know I said I wouldn't send in another 80's photo, but I lied ;-)
This photo was taken of TWO of the retreat goers way back in the 80's.
one is me, ofcourse...but who is the other??
Taken on 'muck up day' ..
we rode to school on a motorbike (in our wedding gear ROFL) and even had the tin cans hanging off the back!!
and we received a few odd stares on the way let me tell you!!!
And the layout also has a couple of etsy items on it.... the crepe paper and the etsy bag itself.
Inspired by Anna Christen-Larson
Well bye for now...
and I Pinky Promise no more 80's photos!! ;-p
This photo is a classic. I can pick 'the groom' EASILY LOL.
Beautiful layout with awesome title Sandra!! LOVE LOVE LOVE that big chandelier. Inspiring work.... brilliant.
Jenny - Sue's sketch
Oh Jenny those photos are precious! What a classic 'surprised' expression in the last one. The run of photos really tell the story.
Beautiful colours in the papers look great with that black 'dymo' type of font.
Great work from our resident digi girl!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Hey, hey, hey ...
something is going down later this year ...
it involves ...
1. food
2. drinks
3. paper
4. sleepovers
5. fun
6. sand
oh whoops I meant sanding
7. fun
oh sorry I already mentioned that!!! ;-)
8. adhesive
whoops that naturally goes with paper doesn't it!! ;-)
Stay tuned for more info ...
Cant say when the information will be supplied but hey it might be worth the wait!!!
Tiff - all etsy
My Etsy answer. I carefully opened the bag along the seams and used a piece of that on this LO.
Its also a colour and sketch response over at The Color Room as well.
I like the paper bag on there Tiff... perfect! That ribbon is delish too!
'80s Guess Who?
Karen - Sue's sketch
This girl 'has it' in my eyes. I remember first coming across her work at our very first retreat. I had no idea prior to that who this funky chick was!
I do remember Meredith saying 'Amanda - check this girls work out' and we went over there and i was blown away with what she was creating.
So in a few words - Karen ROCKS and this is one example of why i think that.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Lauren's gone Etsy
Sandra - Sue's sketch
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Sandra = '80s archives
Look what I found in my travels through my photo archives!!
In this photo there are FOUR girls who were at this years retreat!!!
Might be fun to see if anyone can pick them out of the line up .... so to speak lol!
The only person i think i can identify is Sandra in the bottom left.... so i hope others in the photo do not mind it being on the blog. I simply cannot put any other names to faces here!!
This one has bamboozled me - i have sat looking at it for a long time and am still none the wiser!
Looking forward to a few guesses and enlightenments!
(and maybe some more fun '80s photos in my inbox?!!)
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Tatum - gone etsy and Sue's sketch!
I have been itching to do this since I very first looked through the goodies in that little paper bag :)
Sue's sketch challenge is first up on my scrapping agenda for this evening!
Happy Mothers day to you & all the Escape to Create mums :)
Have a great weekend!
Tatum xx
This is lovely Tatum. I love looking at all your elements. It fascinates me to see how you have used our etsy goodies! The blue is delicious and i love how you have used the tape and journalling notes! Great candid photos which really tell a great 'fun' story too.
Thanks Tatum. Beautiful and inspiring work.
'80s Guess Who?
This totally *IS* the '80s. Brilliant!!!
Loving the big hair, bright blusher and teamed with the shell necklace you could not go wrong! It looks like a very big night was about to be had by this lucky lady.
80's- Guess who?
Ali's gone all etsy + Sue's sketch!
Hi Amanda,
I tried to combine the two challenges... Loved using all the etsy yummie bits and pieces, tipped my bag out on the table and away I went. I will definately be going to those shops!! And also glad to see that there will be a 2011 retreat by the looks of the top right corner of the blog!! Can I just say... YIPPEE!!!
Ali xx
This is stunning Ali. What a thrill seeing all your bits here on the page! Absolutely adore the vintage feel this page has, but at the same time is so funky and fresh.
Oh i just noticed you used the little sticker tags as well! Amazing - everything looks incredible together!
'80s Guess Who?
What a brilliant smile. She looks so happy! Must have been all that young love!
Even though it is a classic 80s photo, the beautiful smile and that lovely belly makes this photo extra special!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Marika - Sue's sketch
Marika always amazes me with how quickly and brilliantly she gets inspired by Sue's sketches. They are a great starting off point and motivator!
The blues and greens against the lined paper is beautiful here Marika.
Very cute photos too! Love how you have done a 'series' with the door. Lovely.
'80s Guess Who?
LOL i think this one is super easy!
She says that it was way back in 1988 and she can't rememeber the occasion for such a flash outfit. She says that she quite likes the photo apart from the massive hair bow!
Big hair and big bows were very 80s so it is a great, appropriate photo!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
80s challenge
ok there are a LOT of things wrong with this photo.
Cumberbuns + big silk sash + drop waist + horizontal lines + big ear rings + massive hair flick + salmon colour on a male + huge clown collar =
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Sue's sketch ... Meredith
Kerryn - gone all etsy
Hey Amanda
Hows it going?
I always keep an eye on the E2C blog but don't really get to do any of the challenges. But I do love seeing what everyone else does with the challenges set.
Anyway, I saw the challenge about using stuff from the retreat goody bags. I've actually used quite a fair bit so far from it. I've used a couple of tags, journal spots and I'm sure there was something else as well.
I completed this layout on the weekend (for a colour challenge site) using the bag that some of the bits were packaged in so I thought I'd send it through. (oh and just in case you are wondering about the title, my DS calls Lego Le Go, like it's 2 words LOL. He is very insistent that he is correct).
I loved everything that was in the goody bag and know I'll be using all of it at some stage.
Thanks and have a great week :).
Kerryn x
Fantastic Kerryn! A great example of our goodies being put to use = in a stunning way! Those bags were 'found' by Sue on blue bazzaar and we instantly fell in love with them - they were where the whole idea of going 'vintage etsy' stemmed from!
The orange looks amazing with the browns of the bag, string and other kraft elements. Incredible stuff!
Thanks for sharing and i hope you continue to drop by!
Bazzill at your fingertips
There is a new ipod app that is all that and more!
This has been around for a little while, but i thought i should let you know it is 'out' there anyway.
Here is their blurb:
The new Bazzill iPhone app puts more than 500 Bazzill cardstock colors at your finger tips! Whether you are on-the-go shopping at your favorite scrapbook store, cropping with friends, or working on a project at home, this Bazzill app will be your new best friend. Use the color matching feature to pull Bazzill cardstock color suggestions from any photo you plan to scrapbook. Find important Bazzill cardstock information like part numbers, cardstock textures, and color names. When printing invitations or scrapbook page titles, you can refer to the Bazzill app for the closest color matches in RGB and CYMK code. The Bazzill app will help you find time to scrapbook your family's memories, give you endless design options, and bring Bazzill color to all your paper crafting projects.
Can be used with iPhone®, iTouch®, and iPad® products. Visit iTunes to download this app today!
● Browse more than 500 Bazzill cardstock colors alphabetically by name.
● Browse more than 500 Bazzill cardstock colors visually by color family.
● Browse more than 500 Bazzill cardstock colors grouped by texture.
● Easy access to RGB and CMYK values for all cardstock colors.
● Find the perfect Bazzill cardstock match for your photographs.
color combinations for all Bazzill cardstock colors.
IMO it is still a bit pricey ($12.99 au) so i can't give a personal review. Check it out here on itunes if you are interested.