My day off today (Ha! what's that??) and it's washing day.
So at 09:09 today I was washing.... and nearly fell over laughing when I saw the time left on the washing machine... it was not a set up I promise!! and sorry for the crap photo... embarrasing having this on the blog after Maryanne's stunner!

lol. Sandra. the timer on the washer is ironic isnt it. Did that prompt you to remember the challenge??
No Tiff.
I only noticed the time when I had the photo on the computer!
All coincidental.
Think i'd rather b having coffee like Trish than the washing!! But ey, it doesn't do itself...well, yeah, it sorta does! Good pic Sandra!!
When i can work out how to get my photos onto my computer (got myself a new camera!! :)...i will put mine picture up too!!
nah ... coffee was much better!!
LOL Cheers Trish
love the pic tho.
aaaaaaaah yes. This looks very familiar to me also! The never ending pile i think! LOL at the co-incidence of the 9 on the screen!
ohhhh Sue.
what camera did ya end up with???
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