This is my lounge room at the moment.
I am in the middle of packing as I have just fulfilled one of my dreams, to own my own home. Imagine my amusement when I realized what what printed on the front box.
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend up at Karkoo, I'm sure you all will.
Cheers Trish

oh what a great photo Trish! And what a special 'message' to you! LOL life works in funny ways sometimes doesn't it?!!
also a massive congratulations on buying your own home - very exciting i imagine!
Hi Amanda,
Thanks for visiting my blog!
I'm loving looking through everyone's phone photos and hand cut titles. That message on the front box in this photo looks like something that was added in photoshop - too cool!
I do like that font on the box. any ideas anyone???
Trish, what a exciting time for you. Wishing all the best of everything for you and F.
I do love that font and those words on that box, how funny ey?!!
CONGRATS Trish and best of luck with the moving!!
I agree love that font - it looks familiar!!
Very exciting for you being a home owner!!
So excited for you Trish...!
And that quote is so apt!
congratulations trish!
fantastic news.
so dont envy you the packing and moving part though!
It may not be exactly the same, but it looks similar to the 'Adler' font that I sometimes use on my photos, possibly from Not sure, but a quick search should bring it up.
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