An anonymous texter - scratch that.... Sandra has owned up! - on my phone sent in this image of some beads on a mirror. Gorgeous collection of beads and a great image captured!
I love how you can see the reflection in the mirror and the room looks so clean, airy and light.
love this.
Ooe those beads!! A lovely looking boudoir!!
Oops. That'll be me Amanda.
I did comment on the message but it mustn't of come through with the photo...
I clean a lovely lady's house every Monday morning and every Monday morning I see these lovely beads on her mirror and think.. I must take a photo one day and do a layout. My eyes are drawn to them every time... just beautiful beads and colours.
So today I thought bugger forgot my camera again and then your challenge came to mind... ;)
Great angle Sandra. lots of depth and mood.
Great photo Sandra!!!
bugger the beads!! look how nice and clean and tidy the room looks.
okay the beads look good too!
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