Wednesday, March 31, 2010
retreat reviews on other blogs
I have made a bit of a list here. If i have missed anyone please let me know and i can add them.
Mel Forbes
Ali McDonald
Kerryn Lawson
ok i know i have missed someone but cannot for the life of me find it now!
Monday, March 29, 2010
e2c retreat 2010
Wednesday night I drove to Port Lincoln to pick up Mel Forbes, our guest teacher from WA. We went out for tea, drove home and settled her in her temporary bedroom (thanks Kelsey!)
Mel was exactly as i remember her. She is just like one of us and fitted in so well. I have known Mel online for over 4 years now and she feels just like an old friend.
Thursday we woke, popped the kids on the school bus, loaded the car to the hilt and drove to the Lion's Hostel at North Shields for setup. We had some male muscle to help lift the trestles and sort out positioning for powerpoint displays and extra lighting. This set up day took almost all day and by the end we felt completely exhusted.
Friday we gave some quick birthday wishes to Georgia and Kelsey, popped them all on the school bus, loaded the car with more gear and headed to 'retreat HQ' yet again.
We packed goodie bags, set out chairs, showed the retaillers where to go, sorted out bedroom allocations, assisted in the kitchen (Val and Kathryn were already buzzing around in there: busy little beavers!), said hello to the Country Arts SA lady (Simone) and introduced her to Mel, picked up table decorations, met some girls from the big smoke at the airport and before we could blink again it was 3.58pm and people were rocking through the door. (tsk tsk early birds!! LOL)
Every attendee got a goodie bag, personalised mug and lanyard. Here is mine post event with a bit of added white spray paint!
Before not too long all our ladies seemed to be settled in and scrapping!
It was quite a drawn out class due to the sewing, painting and ink splats but thankfully the ladies were so patient waiting for their turns with the various sewing machines and painting / inking stations.
Hopefully everyone was happy with the end creation.
After that was free scrap time and there were a lot of late stayers that night (us included!) There were a few spots of rain on the shed roof as we went to bed which was lovely to listen to as I fell into bed at 4am absolutely stuffed.
Saturday I woke and it was action stations as we ate breakfast and kicked off the morning class which was Merediths amazing little 'flap' book. There were many, many laughs and i have heard much anticipation on her class project for next year! ;-)
Lunch was scrummy panninis, meats and salads with fresh fruit for dessert.
Saturday afternoon saw our guest teacher Mel take the floor and it seemed that the whole shed stopped to watch her in action. WOW what a great fun class. Every single person that i spoke to loved the layout they made with her.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Post retreat link ...
After a weekend of not cooking and eating yummy meals, maybe nibbling on a little chocolate, a few lollies, a little cheese here, a few glasses of your favourite there it may well come in handy next week!!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
random musings.
The retreat week for me starts on Wed. when i pick Mel up from the plane. I have known this chook since 2006 and it will be great to see her again. Her style of scrapping is totally different to mine, however i look at it in awe at the time and effort she puts into every single tiny detail. Not only am i a fan of her scrapping, but she is so down to earth and very much 'like us' that she feels like a friend that i have known forever.
Thursday will be our major set up day where my car will be LOADED to the absolute roof racks with e2c gear to take to Nt Shields. It will be great to take it all down there and finally clean my scrap space out a bit - at the moment it looks like we are shifting house with the amount of big boxes stacked up and blocking off half my room!
Friday will be more setting up, helping the retailers settle in and then at 4pm the fun begins!!
The past few days have been spent doing a few last minute retreat jobs - i think maybe third time lucky for me as i feel the most organized that i have ever been on any of the other e2c retreats. It has all come together so lovely and quickly this year! I guess practise makes perfect!
Also i have been cleaning and preparing our house for our visitor - this has been no small task!
I have also started packing my suitcase (which makes things feel very REAL and exciting), as i am working for the first part of this week and will not have time later on.
Scrap wise i am almost all packed - i just have to sort through my thickers and decided which ones (if any) to leave home. I haven't packed a massive amount this year as i always end up buying heaps of yummy new product and would rather use that while the scrapping urge hits on the retreat.
In other random news - don't forget to go through your stash and look for some goods to donate to Bev's sister who lost all her scrapping gear in the Port Lincoln fire late last year. There will be an area at the retreat where we will collect it all and give it to Bev to pass along. Bring those bits along!
Another thing not to forget to pack - which has almost been an oopsie from me also - is a wine glass (if you are a wine drinker that is!! No need otherwise!)
Well another day is drawing to a close, and there certainly are not many more sleeps until the retreat.
I cannot wait!
Maryanne - colour challenge
this was supposed to be for the orange & white challenge, but I have used some black on it as well.
obviously its a layout using one of the befunky photos.
ooooooooooooooooooh Maryanne. You are so very very clever. Awesome. Just amazing.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Free ebook from Ella
The offer looks great - very inspiring so i thought i would pass the info along. This website and their offers are just great. I have downloaded and printed a heap of stuff from them already!
You will need to join the site to download it - but again i have had no issues at all with them. For a free dose of inspiration it is well worth signing up (no biggie to pop your name and email address into a few boxes anyway!)
free ebook
here's their blurb:
Enjoy professional photography tips, a digital tutorial, three free journaling quizzes, complete instructions for a darling home-decor project, a creativity exercise, a time-saving sketch, and lots of fantastic layout ideas accompanied by expert tips and advice.
This 22-page downloadable eBook offers at least one page, project, or tip from each of the 14 products released by Ella so far. And best of all, it's FREE.
In all, you'll enjoy 34 fresh tips, ideas, and insights from the industry's leading designers, photographers, and scrapbookers—from Stacy Julian and Cathy Zielske to Margie Romney-Aslett and Renee Pearson.
See just how easy it is to download and use Ella eBooks, and discover first-hand which inspiring Ella eBook you need to add to your inspiration library next.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Tiff - colour challenge
nice and crisp Tiff. Great job. Very different to your usual style! Lovely clean, linear work... and of course the orange just pops.
Karen - Sue's sketch
Hi Amanda,
I was sitting down scrapping last night, I produced this page which loosely resembles Sues Sketch challenge from last month and is also the colours of Februarys colour challenge! So I thought Id send it in as I have done NO scrapping at all for months and now Im feeling all charged Im worried I wont have any photos to scrap at the retreat!!! LOL. I cant wait. See you all next week......
Karen D
Oh i love the clean lines of this and those touches of pink (particularly the pink spots behind the journalling strips) . Perfect Karen! I also need to know that font you have used - it's delicious!
So happy to see you back into scrapping again.
Jenny - Sue's sketch
Great interpretation of the sketch Jenny! Purple is a nice comprimise instead of lots of blue. Look at those cute smiles too! The Princess looks like she would tower above your little Prince LOL.
Fab job of an inspiring sketch.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
retreat tips = it's ok!
Sitting, chatting, eating, drinking, laughing, socializing.
No scrapping.
And i am here to tell you that
Our aim is for all of us to have some hard earnt 'time out'.
The retreat is an ESCAPE. If you CREATE then it is great and an added bonus. If you are ESCAPING and CREATING = woohoo. If you are just ESCAPING = excellent and woohoo too.
If you sit there, for three days and just relax.............. that is wonderful. I know i will probably just plonk down, look around, sip my glass of wine and soak in the atmosphere a lot more than i will be productive. And this is ok.
No pressure. No competition on who is producing the most layouts. No one judging you on what you have or haven't done. Just time out.
Hmmm bring it on i say!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Amanda - colour challenge
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Tiff - banner
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Creativity Quote #11
Children's parties and some ideas ...

Above is just one of the ideas! Photo from writeclickscrapbook.
Then I found these decorating ideas on the same blog ...
Sandra - challenge #1
Oooooooooh that little blue heart just screams "LOOK AT ME".
this is so cute Sanrda. The stitching, the Kraft and the elements really remind me of Lou Nelson. Lovely work Sandra.
Friday, March 12, 2010
e2c 2010 group challenge...
Imagine ink. Arms. Tattooist in house at the retreat 24 / 7 over the weekend.
A little something to remember your weekend forever....
Some idea of what we have in mind:
We would like to see some creativity on your TOENAILS. Go crazy with toenail polish and show us just how creative you can be! If you are having a lull or suffering scrappers block, one look at all our amazing toenails is sure to inspire. There will be a prize for the best, creative and coolest toenails on the retreat!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Creativity Quote #10
Sandra - colour challenge
Here is my entry for the Orange and White challenge.
Seeing as it is Harmony day at the school on Friday the 19th of this month I thought it was quite apt to do a Harmony day layout.
Thanks to Tracey for permission to have Jessicas photo on the net.
This is so crisp and clean Sandra. The way you have punched varying sized circles in that semi circle looks incredible! Great find with that orange pen too! Clever clever chook.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
retreat tips = vision
This may sound a bit 'mumbo jumbo' but what i am really saying is to 'get your self in the right frame of mind with the right tools on hand'.
It may be a simple task of grabbing your photos that you would like to scrap and making up little kit bags with embellishments, papers, ribbons and alphas. In fact maybe try something different and grab an embellishement first! Think to yourself - "ooooh i really want to try and use that embellishment on a page at the retreat" and then grab coordinating / complimentary papers to go with it. Pop all of this in zip lock bags - one bag per 'kit' and you will be surprised at how much that helps pull layouts together quickly at the retreat. It will also be a massive help in cutting down the amount of stash you will bring along 'just in case'.
Another part of getting mentally prepared is recognizing what blocks your scrapbooking. Is it that pile of washing? Can you not scrap until you have gone for a run? Does a lack of recent photos leave you uninsipred? Do you get stuck at the design stage of your pages.
My suggestion is to realize what blocks you ... and do something about getting it all sorted prior to the retreat.
If it is the washing block = have it all done (or do what i do and forget it completely!).
If it is the photo block = get out snapping right NOW!
Need to run before getting creative? = run your buts off in the weeks before so you don't feel guilty kicking back and scrapping.
Need chocolate to scrap properly = bring a huge amount along!!
Stuck with designing the pages? Visit some of our sketch links on the sidebar
and print off a heap of sketches for you to do at the retreat.
I have already saved a fair few pages that i hope to scraplift on the retreat as i know as soon as i get into that big shed my mind seems to go blank for a while. Scraplifting or following a sketch is a great way to get productive without straining the brain and getting frustrated with yourself. (which actually seems to work like a vicious circle and block you up even more!)
Soon i will reveal my 'retreat challenge' to you all, which i hope
Creativity Quote #9
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Creativity Quote #8
Tiff - Sue's sketch

I lost my mojo for a few days and your sketch got it revved up again. mwah to you. I also used March's colour scheme from Twiddleybitz ning to get me going too. Happened to work perfectly with this photo.
Hi, i got home from Adelaide late last night......and after going thru 95 emails (i hate it when there is sooo many emails to go thru)....this one was amongst them, sorry Tiff for not able to post it earlier. Good to see sooo much action on the blog and great quotes happening Amanda too.
Glad the sketch got your scrapping mojo happening again Tiff, LO looks the tiddlybitz on it too.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Ali Mc - Befunky and Sue's Sketch
Hi Amanda, here is my take on the Be Funky photo challenge, it's me at my DH's 40th, all dressed 60's style! I loved playing dress up!! I loved the sketch too, thanks for the challenge. Also have been going through my stash for some PP fpr Bev Mantle's sister, hope to have a little bit of a pile by retreat time!! Back to My Kitchen Rules!!
Ali M
Good on you Ali. Love what you have done here for the befunky challenge and Sue's sketch. All that handwriting has me breaking out in a cold sweat but you make it look so damn good!! Great job!
And great job also on your collection for Bev's sister. It's great that so many are willing to help :)
Creativity Quote #7
Tiff - challenge #1
Creativity Quote #6
Mel - befunky layout!
A very warm welcome to Mel Forbes - our guest retreat teacher - who had a fiddle with the befunky site and loved it so much she scrapped the photos!
And what an amazing layout! Love the yellow and bright orange with the darker rusty red/orange background. STUNNING Mel.
Sue's sketch & Colour combo - Meredith
Oh and that random button is covering a stamping mistake - a sideways 'a'!!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Creativity Quote #5
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Jenny - befunky and two colour challenge...
Hey ho, here are my tries for the 2 colour challenge. The wedding cover I did ages ago for Luke's album, but never finished it (which I am inspired to do now). The 'befunky' one was using Wendy's bride photo.
Jenny F
Great job Jenny! These wedding photos are lovely and pics of brides and grooms are always beautiful to scrap.
Love what you have come up with here!

Creativity Quote #4
Amanda - Challenge #1
The main colour i picked was blue - so i have various shades of blue from navy right through to light.
My one element is the yellow button with also doubles as the O in 'toy'.
I couldn't help myself and also put the word yellow in a yellow colour as well so a bit of a cheat = whoopsie.
Chaz - Sue's sketch
Love the bright red Chaz - so eyecatching! Great photo of the three kids too!
Fab interpretation of Sue's sketch!
Helping out a fellow scrapper...
She wrote a sad post here, which made me stop and think about the amount in my stash, how i would feel if i suddenly lost it all (as well as my pages already done!) and finally and most importantly how i could help.
Yesterday i went through my stash and have gotten quite a big box ready to give to Bev who can then pass it on to her sister. It felt good to
a) cull my stash down a bit - i mean how much really does one person need??!
and b) help someone out.
I have asked Bev if it is ok to pop the details on here incase any one else would like to be involved. She said that the other option for donation is to create some blank pages - where everything is done apart from title, journalling and photo placement.
If anyone would like to help, please email me and i can pass on Bev's details and sort out a drop off spot so as these goodies can get to Bev's sister ASAP.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
retreat tips = prepare
If you are a 'fly by the seat of your pants' type of scrapper then this is going to sound like a load of BS. If you are like me, and can easily get lost or overwhelmed at retreats read on:
Get photos sorted now. If you have no photos that inspire you, or nothing printed off = get it organized.
- There are still plenty of days to take the kids/ husband / self (all of the above would be ideal!!) and grab some photos. Fresh, new photos always inspires me to scrap. If you are feeling a bit blah about the shots you have - do something about it and get some more!!
- Remember to pack your memory card and take to the stores to print off your phtos or print them at home (whatever you usually do). This is definately NOT a last minute job to do the week before the retreat as it will add stress and no doubt cause mistakes in sizes for photo requirements for classes.
- We have stressed to take note of photo sizes and their orientation (portrait or landscape). Do this now while there is still plenty of time!
- What does that photo mean to you? What do you want to say about that photo / moment in time? Jot these down in a notebook or pad to take with you on the retreat. This will instantly help when it comes to journalling.
- One thing i have found with retreats is to pre print off my journalling strips. I use a lot of jounalling strips in my scrapping (more power to you if you handwrite - god i wish i loved the look of mine...alas i do not) and a major holdup with scrapping - particularly on retreats or crops where there is no printing facilities - is not being able to finish pages due to the journalling. At home, once i have looked at the photo and thought about what i would like that layout and photo to say i print off my strips. I use a variety of fonts, colours, sizes so it mixes things up a little. You wouldn't believe how much of a help (and often a great starting point) just having the journalling done and gist of the page ready to go in my head. I don't do this for every photo i take to a retreat but it sure does help pull the pages together faster.
Once you have your photos sorted, the story set out and maybe even your journalling strips, you are almost all set and you can sit back and relax. Pat yourself on the back for being a fantastic-ly organized person.
I know it sounds like a lot of preparing and buggering around (there are probably a lot of eyerolls going on reading this i can imagine) , but these jobs honestly would maybe take half an hour. Believe me......... it will be such a massive help.
Just in closing, the other thing that always amazes me is people say "oh i suck at titles. I can never think of what to title to put on my page".
The only time i have ever had trouble with a title is when my pages have had no direction. If i know exactly what i want to say in the journalling and what story i want my photo to tell - the title seems to come easily. So again, preparing your story and journalling before hand will help in this aspect too.
Good luck preparing, the next tip will involve your imagination.
just clarifying :
Just to clarify the challenge of using one colour and then using only ONE element of a different, contrasting colour does not necessarily mean that you must use white as the base colour (as per white with one type of challenge)
You might wish to use different shades of green with ONE bright yellow element for example. This is what i am after - not white :)
Creativity Quote #3
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Chaz - be funky!
Oooooooh cool effect Chaz. Love seeing how the different photos and effects take on different 'moods'.
Great job!
Kylie - be funky!
These are fantastic Kylie. I particularly like the sunrays one of Bree. It seems so right for her gorgeous 'radiant' personality.
Thanks for participating!
March - sketch challenge

Creativity Quote #2
Being Funky.
First up is Tiff -

a pair of massive hippo legs! Love the blue tones!
then came Sandra.

she made a little template up to show all her fiddling - great idea! (original photo is top left)
along came Maryanne:

i am in love with this image - looks like it is straight from a Quicksilver advert in a magazine. Fantastic effect and photo to use it on!
keep them coming girls. Amazing work and it is so much fun seeing your photos used with new, different effects.
Monday, March 1, 2010
and suddenly it was March....

Amanda's Challenge #2.
Unleash your creativity! Yep right now. Unclip it - let it go.
In challenge number two i need you to go to this site
and choose a photo effect that you like. NO cheating and doing it in photoshop! (be patient as it takes a little while to upload your photo)
you might like to share your finished photo with us, you might like to scrap the finished photo (the print and save option is also free) or you might just like a private fiddle (ooooh!)

This challenge i particularly would like you to think differently about your photos. Use them differently. Pick a different effect than you would normally go for. And finally and most importantly think of how to use your photos differently!
Sue's Sketch
Stay tuned! Sketch coming soon!
Meredith's Challenge.
Don't switch the dial - coming soon to a screen near you.
Colour Challenge
orange and white. Yep. Fresh. Funky. Go.

I don't know if you noticed this in the latest CK but it is here to download free. I love it .... and guess what? It is orange AND white :)

**in the next few days i will post a special retreat challenge. This is for everyone - most particularly the retreat attendees to think about and do in the coming weeks.
Think team building.
Think cool-ness.
Think creativity.
Think yeah, woohoo, e2c here i come !