The feathering effect softens the awesome pic so beautifully. And what a great pic of Sarah. She must be so proud of this one and of you.
Love the stitching and the folded corner of the paper.
She says Really enjoying the digi scrapbooking classes with Karen Jennings.This is a layout that Ive done at home doing some of the things I have learnt. I was really happy with the way this turned out.
Well done Janice. Keep em rollin' in.
heres my page for merediths paint challenge.used cardboard,,but peeled off the.
paper layer so the corrugated bit was exposed,and loaded with paint, not toooo
I used a piece of corrugated cardboard for the stripes and just a foam paint brush for the top left hand corner.
You have seen Amanda use a glass for circles before and a flick of the wrist for paint splatters - a little hint ... dilute the paint slightly with water to get good splatters and cirlces.
Another technique is to run the paint brush around the outside edge of the whole page.
Go on give it a try and show us your techniques. Include a little explanation of your technique if you think it might help the rest of us to try something new.
much. Your pen dots look fantastic at angles to the photo...like a little shadow or two back there! The ribbon looks made for this page!
And damn you using that vine rub-on again!!!!!!!!! Love it!
my real submission for the challenge. I photographed my page and realised that
the black dots dont stand out so I went over them in white pen and it looks
heaps better.
Here is another vintage layout jsut finished tonight. Unfortunately my scanner leaves a dark mark right down the middle.... quite annoying.
This is Lucy May Cleaver...Garry's maternal grandmother. Love this photo... just love the hat and hair even though I feel like tucking that stray hair in! and how old fashioned is the hanky in the hand?? the layout was based on sketch number 106 from pencillines.
This was a great challenge.. great to see lots of participants... but where is yours and Merediths???
I love how she has rotated the whole thing. That little line of stitching there along the bottom, the 'meredith' inspired heart, and the vine. Just lovely. And i know they are special photos for a total rev head lover!
Next up was Maryanne who sent in another vintage page - boy this girl has totally got the look going and does it sooooooooooooooo well. This page is very cute - and I really like how you did the journalling. It sounds fantastic.
next up we had Karen's email with a another vintage page. This is a photo of her mum on her first day of school! What was she carrying Karen? This is great - i love all the extra bits - the dymo, lace, hydrangea and pins. The tears in the ledger paper ..........all lovely. It has a very 'amanda' feel to it so i feel quite honoured Karen (even if you didn't mean to!)
finally we had an email from Lisa! This is another page from her Mum's album that Lisa is working on so it is in those same tones. The album must look amazing!
I know in your email you said that you were struggling with the 'white space' on this one but i think it is absolutely perfect. I did actually say 'wow' when i opened your email. I really do think this page is fanstastic Lisa...........you dont need to add anything more! That metal baby sign looks like it was made just for your page - it sets it all off beautifuly.
Thanks everyone for participating. I know you will agree that part of having this blog is about sharing and inspiring each other...... we can't do that without all your wonderful works so dont be shy and keep them coming.
Also if you drop by dont forget to comment on the pages seen in here. EVERYONE loves getting comments on their work so please leave a little comment - you never know your words might make someones day :)
And this came about, when Rob's Dad was in for a cuppa one morning and he stopped at my family photo board and started telling me how this picture of him, his mum & sister was taken in 1942, while his Dad was away at war. So whammooo......there grew an inspiration. I even found amongst my bits n bobs some military buttons to add to the page.
Catchya soon..
For something different - i washed the colours out alot in photo shop, and i think it zooms the attention into Jacob's infectious smiley face - which i must add - is a rare moment capturing a photo of him actually smiling!! So this is one of those precious moments!!
I have also been scrapping some vintage pages over the past few weeks. Digging out those old special photos. This page was scrap-lifted from a Scrap Trends magazine, but i aged it more with inking and tearing.
So i will be pretty quiet for the next coupla weeks now, so will be hoping to see some of all your recent pages to keep me a buzzing!!
Catchya :)
and with the 'orange' element added to the challenge, it was ideal for my summer time/ sun setting type of photo. You wouldn't beleive i took these photos last summer, and was planning to scrap them at LAST years retreat!! I do get around to them eventually!!!
Because the layout was already 'thought out' for me, i had fun experimenting with new techniques for me, like paint rings, using the co-ordinations cardstock - srunching and sanding it, as well as playing with different fonts.
Good Challenge Amanda!!