Tuesday, August 10, 2010

FYI ... Steamboat!

Okay we interrupt regular posting to bring to you all a cooking delight

... the steam boat

... my Mum calls it the Steamboat Shuffle and in some articles it is referred to as a hotpot!

Some of the articles show ceramic steamboats, some are stainless steel or brass.

Some links for you ...



I remember it as being lots of fun but you wouldn't want to be worried about "double dipping"!!

Hope that this information has been helpful.

We will now return to regular posting!


Julie C said...

ahhhhhh... now it all becomes clear! I've never heard of 'steamboat' before, so thanks for the education Meredith. Sounds yum.

amanda hall said...

ooooooh. I have heard of it but wasn't really sure. I mistakenly thought it was like Yum Cha which i would like to try too.

Maryanne Ridgway said...

mmm thanx for explaining to the country hick chicks!!lol

miasmummy said...