Kylie S said ...
Happy New Year !
Just thought I'd share these on the blog ... some little craft packs I made up for Christmas to give to some of my teenage nieces (who are getting harder to buy for each year as they get older !).
3 out of the 4 already 'scrap' and the 4th is keen to start (I sussed her out awhile back without giving away what I was doing) so I hope they enjoy them.
I said ...
I said ...
WOW that is a brilliant idea!! Might have to keep that one in mind for next year!! Thank you so much for sending the photo in Kylie!
GREAT idea Kylie, will have to put that one away too for next year!! I have a niece that is loving scrapping atm, so that would be perfect!
Not only a great idea, but you made them look really appealing as well. Who wouldn't love something like this for Xmas with so much thought and effort put in? Well done Kylie.
Fantastic idea!!!
Thanks for the comments !
I gave these gifts to the girls on Sunday (we just had our late 'Smith' Christmas at Pt Neill on the weekend) and 2 of the girls finished theirs on Monday ! - it was lovely to see them completed.
Jeepers you really put me to shame Kylie. You are so productive!
Fantastic little kit idea for neices! Might have to 'borrow' this idea too!
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