Saturday, February 7, 2009

bright as a button

love this Sandra. love the bright colours, the happy pic of the kids (great models) and the co ordinated buttons, the pen dots, and the layered bloom. oh and the handwriting. you are so brave. ;)

whats not to like???

Thursday, February 5, 2009

ric rac & buttons all wrapped up

Well, here it is ..... i have scrapped!! This page has been sitting on my desk for weeks and i just couldn't get it together.

It's all fairly basic, but if all else fails, stick to the basics ey??

Photo inspirations - thanks to Amanda.

Buttons buttons buttons

love everything about this one. the colours. the triangulation of the buttons in the right hand corner, the zig zag, Ryan (whats not to love about him)
top stuff Sandra. love it (oh, I already mentioned that didn't I)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

bust me buttons, Karen's here too.

wowser's Karen. When do you scrap? What with all the renos and paint job in newly relocated 'Shabby Chic Shack' situated behind the old post office in Lock on the main street (gotta give ya a plug), you mustn't be sleeping much. LOL

the stitching and tear in the PP really leads the eye to the buttons and then down the page to the pic and then over to the journaling with the cluster of embellies. rofl about the trendy teatowels. They remind me of the sort of curtains you might find in Grandma's shack on the beach many, many moons ago.

button down the hatches, Marika's here

Marika has popped a couple of LO our way to post on the blog.
I reckon its safe to say we all 'adore' your LO's chick. The blue background PP is perfect with this pic. and the red contrasts so well.

and wow. that shade of green alphas and the green button jump out at you. Cute pic too.

buttons galore

Ange sent her 'scruffy haired princess' for the latest challenge. I really like the slightly frayed ends on the ribbon and the heart charm hanging from the button. Oh and the colours (purple is my favourite). I have asked Ange what font she uses as I have admired it for ages and is a great looking hand writing for easy reading.
I'll let u know when I know.
thanks Ange.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Well HeLLO!

Well Hello everyone!! Just popping by to have a looksie, and wow, i just had to post a comment to ya all. I have been ultra quiet on here, just on holidays etc...and no scrapping urge.


You have all been busy scrapping GREAT pages, and it's good to see them.

Hoping to see some more soon, and hopefully i will get around to doing a page myself :)

Thanks for the inspiration and i'm off to comment now,


Monday, February 2, 2009


I nearly made a faux pas.
Just as well I checked back with Janice as I thought she had gone all digi on me. the torn edge of the notepaper overlapping the portrait tricked me. Looks great doesn't it.

Matthew has captured himself so well. Hasnt he changed heaps, but then again not really much at all.

great cougar colours. Maryanne will be sure to love your colour selection. the torn edges look so real.

I am seeing buttons EVERYWHERE

OMG my inbox is overflowing with button layouts. Let me tell you uploading them into here has become damn near a full time job!

On the other hand it is great to see some of the old familiar faces come back out of the woodwork and participating!

First up Tracey emailed me two pages. The first one she says -

I did this one in harvest when I was having a major scrap session. I did one for each child but the others dont have buttons they have ribbon (alas not ric rac). This is a lift from Belinda Venables (I think), I seriously loved doing these pages and got a great giggle out of journalling the good stuff they do and also the bad. Doing these pages got me scrapping without having to think too much and I had a great deal of fun and really like each one - amazing and rare!!

This is a really lovely photo of your Georgia Trace...stunning! And love the bright funky colours AND the whole idea about journalling about the good and bad stuff that they get up to. Fabulous.

The second one is a late entry into our damask challenge (damn i love this paper!) Simply stunning heritage type page Trace - the browns and blues are perfect for that photo (absolutely adorable picture!) and the journalling spot on there is excellent!

She says -

Attached is one I did for the damask challenge only I was a few weeks late!! But - there are buttons on it so there is a win win situation. Love the colours on this one, I find I'm having a brown and blue fetish at the minute and a love affair with stripes.

Stunning work!

and then came Jenny!

and she has had a similar thought to myself today and combined two challenges into one - ric rac and buttons!

Jenny i really love the red stripes (and stitching) with the staples down the bottom. I may have to borrow that idea! The colours and the dots are also right up my alley. Really awesome page!

and finally i have pulled together a page today and like Jenny managed to pop some ric rac and some buttons on it. There is a cluster of shells/buttons on the bottom as well as some of my fav. photos of the day paperclipped to the top.

more buttons!

Marika has sent in a fabulous button page. I can't say how much i adore this bright yellow background - it is so striking! And the detail in the flowers (in case you can't see they are machine stitched and gathered ribbons for the stems)

and what a cutie patootie baby. She looks so much like Julie C's baby (Matilda?) - must be those strong Giddings genes!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


photo by Tiff.

Sandra's beating the heat and Marika has ric rac-ed in.

First up we have Sandra with some brilliant scrapping.

She says -

I actually scrapped today!Forgot that my scrap room had an airconditioner!!! doh!So I hid away in there for a couple of hours. lol I did this layout today for a challenge blog (, Nic Aspinalls site (she is coming to the retreat!) oops sorry, I digress!the reason why I am sharing it with you is because I tried something new today.... Paper Piecing! I hear it is slowly coming back into vogue and I saw this little owl template and thought I might give it a go! Cute huh?oh and the layout was inspired by a Jane Jones layout.

Wow Sandra. This is great! Paper peicing certainly comes in and out of vogue and you have done a fabbo job on that owl! Great colours too!

and Marika has sent me a couple of jems to share. First up is her answer to the ric rac challenge. I love love love the white background on this with the vibrant colours. And omg at the 'haircut' surprise for mothers day :-0 The doodling (wow wow WOW) and the ribbon cluster is nothing short of fantastic.

and she has also sent us an absolutely jaw droppingly beautiful sunset at Farm Beach to aww over.

Cant wait to see everyone's button creations!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Challenge 25


Isnt this what we tell our kids all the time??? Well now it's your turn to button up.

these very handy little items are sooo popular right now. You will see them on so many LOs atm. (Nicole Pomeroy's 'Love this Girl' in SBM january issue pg 43)

I would love to see what creations you come up with using buttons. Whether you use a button as a centre for a bloom, as an embellishment on the page or to actually button something up on a page or OTP project. Whatever.

you dont have to sew them conventionly on a page. Have a look at SBM Master Toni Crane's LO of 'My Boy' in January's SBM on Pg 121.

I did this one the other night and is very boring compared to Nic's button tree so I will endevour to get another one done this week.

so use some imgination and button up.


Introducing Ange

Welcome Ange. So great to see you here. Just to intro you to the 'regulars'.

Ange is a digi scrapper. And a very talented one too. Check her out in the SBM Vol 10 no. 11, page 64.

Ange is also involved with Elemental Scraps . I am not sure in what context tho. Praps Ange u may like to enlighten us. :)

I got to know Ange thru an online forum and she is one of the most genuine scrappers I've met. EVER. Hopefully with fingers crossed I'll get to met her irl later this year.

I asked her if she had any LO's with a bit of ric rac on it and this is what landed in my inbox.

Looks so real doesnt it. I adore the torn notebook paper and the doodled arrow. And how about those red undies on the outside of her son's (Coban)outfit. I have to admit I am wondering if they are DH's jocks ;)

Thanks so much Ange. Looking forward to seeing your answer to the next challenge.

Rac the Ric

at last.

I've got round to the ric rac challenge. Sorry it took me a while but the E2C team have been super busy with retreat stuff and trying to not melt in this heat.

If u squint with one eye shut and hold your tongue just in the right spot you should be able to see the mini ric rac I used on both the paperclips. Not very inspiring I know, but I do struggle with using it well. So it was a good challenge to get me to actually use some.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Karen is in da [ric rac] house

oh i just love getting these emails with fabbo pics attached.

this one is NO exception. Karen yet again you have wowed me with your fantastic colour choices, eye for detail and leaving perfect amounts of 'space'
The photo is also cute in the EXTREME! and it goes without saying that your ric rac rocs.
Great to see some old faces rocking back in here after the silly season.... (well not old as in age but as in familiar!)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Clever clever Sandra!

Sandra has sent me some thing amazing.

This fab. grid type layout.... i have always admired them as they look so tricky. Please dont tell me it is as easy as grabbing your ruler and a pen? It looks very complicated and so bloody effective!
I really have to say that i love everything about it Sandra. The colours, the grid, the RIC RAC, the buttons, the photo, the journalling spot and the rips and dotty paper - what the heck ISN'T there to love about it.
clever clever chook.

Monday, January 26, 2009

a few things to share...

I know we are all super busy at the moment - school going back and just settling back into routine after Xmas and the usual January holiday mode.

Sandra sent me this image for us to laugh at - she says:

Just thought I would share this photo I took at Monarto while we were in Adelaide.
I have it on my desktop and it always makes me smile....
You would almost swear that he's trying to hide, wondering to himself... (well it HAS to be of the male gender, surely!)
Can they see me???

hopefully it will bring a smile to others too

What a cute photo Sandra! And i agree ... it must be a male!

Next thing to share was a page from Janice for the current ric rac challenge. She said:

This is a layout that I did earlier for your December
Challenge (7 Flowers)... it also includes some
Ric Rac so thought I would send it to you for the Ric Rac challenge

What gorgeous hair she has! Love the little flowers and the ric rac. Perfect layering too with the main photo and the papers. Super clever stitching in that circle also!

Janice also sent two amazing pages that she finished for the Xmas challenge i set about a month ago - the one based on the 25 days of Xmas carol. She says:

This is a couple more from your December challenge.Daughter of mine... (6 staples).Matt... (2 hearts).Ive done a few more but thought I would share these 2 with you

WOW WOW WOW Janice, these are stunning! Thanks for taking that mammoth challenge on - not many did so hold your head proud! Fantastic page - i love the green in the daughter page and the red, black and white in Matt's page.... both so striking!

The final thing to share is some great news. Congratulations in fact! I got my hot little hands on an ABB 2009 calendar yesterday and the first thing i noticed was KYLIE SHEPPERD'S children in a massive photo for the month of October. It seems she has won a competition by ABB which was Australia wide in it's entrants and of course only 12 could win. I will also mention here that Jenelle Whelan was also a winner and is a RN at the Cummins Hospital!

Congratulations girls - this is a really incredible acheivement! Both of the photos are totally awesome.

Here is Kylie's photo and month!

I hope everyone has a smooth transition back into school/kindy tomorrow and with any luck our scrapping mojo will come flooding in!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Well it seems i am NOT talking to myself in here!

Sandra has sent in a fantastic layout - not a ric rac one (she promises us that is still to come!) but one she prepared earlier. I really love the title in this - so catchy!
I think that Sandra has come so far in her scrapping confidence and abilities! I also love how this girl just seems to make circles work for her on her pages - this is a real gift!!!
brilliant stuff.

And Maryanne has sent in two pages.

She says "I have done these 2 last night, ric rac along the bottom.Both pretty boring and a bit "same old",but havent scrapped lately [thats my excuse anyway].all my pages seem "same old "lately, so looking forward to the retreat, and "scrapping outside my box"."

and i say ' pffffffffffft'

Your work is always awesome Maryanne. You doubt yourself too much! I love the photos - brilliant and how you chose the papers - they look so NT with the colours! I also think in the second page that your journaling is a great example of how you can say so much without going ott with words or mushy stuff. Brilliant!

I look forward to some more ric rac pages coming my way!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

starting to worry here....


I am starting to worry myself. It seems i am in here talking to myself the vast majority of the time.... and we all know that is only a hop, skip and jump away from 'hearing voices' or 'talking to yourself'.
well i guess you can book me into Hillcrest right this minute in that case!
Here is another ric rac page WITH IS AN ABSOLUTE DIRECT LIFT FROM THE LINK I SHOWED EARLIER by Wendy Bretz. I can take absolutely NO credit at all here as i loved her page so much i really wanted to make mine exactly the same (well i did put my own photo, title and journalling in cause lets face it.......that would be a little crazy if i copied those bits too!)

I am hoping like mad that Sue didn't want to do the same as i got an email asking me if i had any yellow ric rac. Ummmmmmmm yep Sue - i sure do!