I have only just realized that it is the end of the month and i haven't even done the photo challenge yet!!
ok the first person i thought of when setting this challenge was someone that i admired when i was younger. I kinda started collecting a few posters and books in my young tween / teen days.
This was my favourite image of her:

I am not sure why i liked her... i think I envied how desired she was, how she made a fuller figure look fantastic and her power over men. In the end though i guess i feel sorry for her as she seemed to lead a very lonely life in which she was desperate to be loved and never found happiness within herself.
Another person i really liked and did collect a few things was Princess Diana. I would have forgotten to pop her in her but the midday movie today reminded me. I remember watching the royal wedding on TV with mum and eating Girl Guide biscuits and drinking milo in the lounge while it was on. Back then i thought the whole thing was the most romantic thing on earth.

Again, another sad person who was desperate to be loved and never seemed to find happiness within herself.
Now onto more uplifting things (LOL) all the previous talk about books has made this month VERY expensive for me!! It made me start thinking of my teen books that i devoured back then and i have ended up finding and buying some favourites! Some were only available in the USA so it has been a bit of a costly way to remember!
An author that brings back strong memories for me is Judy Blume. I really loved all her books when i was 12, 13, 14 years old and had quite a collection. Recently i found Tiger Eyes on ebay so i have bought that and i read it within hours of it hitting our house. I also remember Forever which was quite sexual and i am not at all certain i want my 12 year old reading that!!!
Finally i will remember two more books - one called Amanda and the other called Jessica. They were part of the sunfire romances that were available from the school book club. Each novel was a historical romance. I think i got the Amanda one first just because it was my name, totally loved it when i read it and then got the Jessica book. Amanda was set in the wild west and her and her father traveled on the Oregon Trail in wagons and horses. Jessica was also set in pioneer America and she falls in love with an Indian......... In all of the Sunfire romance series each woman falls for two guys (one a bad boy and one the 'good sensible choice') and she has to pick who she will end up with.
I have also ordered these (from the US) and can't wait to revisit my teen reading!!
I think this is where my love of historical fiction began :)

Thanks for the memories this month girls! I have loved chuckling over the photos you have all sent in and I have sat here nodding and saying 'yes' to most of the pictures too as i can totally relate (in particular to the ADIDAS Romes! - oh i laughed when i saw those!)
Fantastic memories of the 80's.