Hi Amanda,
As I was doing this challenge I thought "Gee it looks like all I did was watch TV!" I did read alot, I was going to put Trixie Belden up there but thought I'd stick a few different ones in.
As I was doing this challenge I thought "Gee it looks like all I did was watch TV!" I did read alot, I was going to put Trixie Belden up there but thought I'd stick a few different ones in.
1. I loved Dr. Who, sorry if its a bit nerdy!! Never liked the new stuff, has to be the original!

2. I loved "The Wombles", this may be where my love of stop animation comes from.

3. The Goodies rule!! these guys were SO clever, I have bought a few DVD packs and my kids now watch them and roar with laughter!!

4. Weren't Smurfs so cute, we used to take them to school and all play with them in the playground making houses for them, this photo is of my Smurfs that I had WAY back, some a bit worse for wear, but I still have them!

Im loving seeing what everyone else is posting, such a fun trip down memory lane!!!
Karen D
Fab Karen! Love your smurf photo!! Brilliant! And omg i was the biggest Goodies fan too. They still make me laugh!
As for stop motion - if anyone is wondering what that is check out what Clair Bremner made (yes that very clever girl has done this as well)
Basically it is taking a whole heap of photos and stringing them together to make an animated video. The amount of photos is often in the high hundreds just to make a 3 minute movie.
very clever stuff.
Thanks for sharing Karen!
Great choices Karen ... when I was young we didn't have TV but when we went into Woomera on the weekends for football and cricket we would stay at Mum and Dad's friends and watch TV so I can remember The Wombles, the Goodies (took me a while to think of them yesterday when recalling TV shows with a fellow blog visitor!!) and Dr Who!!
We collected the Smurfs by buying them at the Service Station!
hi karen
the wombles was another one of my faves too.my very first ever school bag which I had on my first day at school, had the wombles on it.[find myself humming the tune now].
and werent the goodies hilarious....I havnt watched them recently though.
with all this "remembering" scruff has remembered that his favourite show, was The kenny everitt video show[hot gossip was the highlight].
Another favourite for me was the "grease movie".How awesome was that?
Loving seeing everyone elses childhood loves!
It would be good to do a Layout from this challenge!
Yes, yes, yes and yes to all of those Karen ... I can't believe that I used to rush home from school just to watch Dr Who !!
Gotta love the Wombles and Goodies - they were great !!
LOVED Dr Who!!
can you remember the episode with the plants that came alive!?! I was reading the book Day of the Triffids at the time... I could see plants moving for weeks after that!
and LOL at the Goodies.... the Watership Downs spoof just cracked me up.
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