Maryanne said ...
Quite funny actually as only a week or so ago the kids were watching some of their childhood shows on youtube and talking about shows and toys they loved when they were little, and asking what we had watched when we were kids.
Quite funny actually as only a week or so ago the kids were watching some of their childhood shows on youtube and talking about shows and toys they loved when they were little, and asking what we had watched when we were kids.
1. KISS.
having a brother 5 years older than me, both my little sister and I listened to his music.This was one of his favourite bands, and we all just thought they were sooo cool.With songs like "I wanna rock and roll all night" I Still love them, in an old nostalgic way!
having a brother 5 years older than me, both my little sister and I listened to his music.This was one of his favourite bands, and we all just thought they were sooo cool.With songs like "I wanna rock and roll all night" I Still love them, in an old nostalgic way!

How adorable were these little guys.LOVED watching them.

Oh I was a barbie girl through and through! had the house, the car, several dolls, huge amount of clothing and accesories, and the SHOES,lots and lots of barbie shoes.A new outfit for my barbies was a MAJOR treat!

4.Enid blyton books.
These were when my real love affair with reading began.Any money I saved was immediately spent on a new one.How I loved these.
While most of friends were off playing I would be glued to my book, and would have trouble putting it down.
These were when my real love affair with reading began.Any money I saved was immediately spent on a new one.How I loved these.
While most of friends were off playing I would be glued to my book, and would have trouble putting it down.

5.Archie comics.
My mum recently gave jaxen an old comic book, and he has actually been reading it [he dislikes reading], so it reminded me of how much I used to enjoy "archie"comic books.Again these were something I used to spend my hard saved money on.
My mum recently gave jaxen an old comic book, and he has actually been reading it [he dislikes reading], so it reminded me of how much I used to enjoy "archie"comic books.Again these were something I used to spend my hard saved money on.

6.Not too many TV shows I remember really loving, as think I was reading most of the time, but I did actually really like "monkey" on abc.

Wow Maryanne that was a blast from the past!! I remember all those very clearly!! And most of them featured in my childhood, except probably KISS!!
Thanks for being so quick off the mark with this challenge!
Love it Maryanne I used to be glued to the tv when monkey was on. Was only talking about this yesterday and lots of things come to mind will have to google and see what I come up with.
Oh the memories!!
loved Monkey too!
and the Smurfs... boy that Smurfette would of been popular a popular girl wouldn't she??
was never really a barbie girl.. but I did have the Peaches and Cream barbie....
Lucky you I wasnt allowed to watch monkey or count down that was "piffle"...... poor me LOL cheers Trish S
What a blast from the past !! I can relate to most of these too Mary ... The Smurfs were so good (my little smurf figurines are probably still in Mum's toy cupboard), I too loved reading Archie Comics and Monkey was simply the best !! I can still hear my brothers and I calling each other 'Monkey, Sandy, Tripitaka' ... what was the last one called?? Kylie
just simply Pig wasn't it? can you not remember him, he was the chick magnet swine
Oww memorys yes I was a monkey Magic fan too. Got me thinking about other stuff I used to watch LOL. Hi to all. xxx
Yes, we were into all this when we were little except for Kiss!! I was also a rabid Barbie fan and had everything that opened and shut. Us kids use to 'play' and pretend we were the Monkey characters and whistle up our cloud and hop on. We were so cool!! Great memories Maryanne, I shall have to give this some thought. Tracey
Yes, we were into all this when we were little except for Kiss!! I was also a rabid Barbie fan and had everything that opened and shut. Us kids use to 'play' and pretend we were the Monkey characters and whistle up our cloud and hop on. We were so cool!! Great memories Maryanne, I shall have to give this some thought. Tracey
Whoops I didn't think I clicked it right alas I have too much to say. Tracey
Pigsy ... of course - sily me, should've looked at the picture again ! Yes, def. chick magnet material Mary ... oink oink ...
I was into the KISS era... not so much the Smurfs or Barbies - i was a total tomboy!! And the Archie comics were just great!!
Monkeys??? nah, can't remember them....showing my age now!! :(
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