Flash Dance really is vivid in my mind from ‘back then’. A chick that was a boiler maker. Whoo Hoo. That impressed me. And boy could she move that body and shake that ‘thaaannnngg. Go girl power.

Pseudo Echo had the band big hair down pat. Back in their Funky Town days. And they were the first album I bought. Still on vinyl back then and it was a little one with an A side (Funky Town) and a B side. I don’t recall what that one was.

Ahhhhh. Those sexy (not) lege warmers Werent they all the rage. And fingerless gloves too!!

Tom Cruise sliding into the doorway in Risky Business with that shirt and ohhhh on those lovely legs. I don’t recall much of the storyline in this movie but I do recall this bit vividly.

Hair gel and mousse came onto the personal grooming market. And so began the era of big hair dos
Fantastic memories Tiff. LOL at all of us reminiscing!
yep yep
remember them all, especially all the goop we put in our hair!
Love Psuedo Echo too.
Anyone remember A-Ha?
Take on Me!! Yeah, baby. I remember A-Ha. That would still be a very cool film clip these days I reckon.
Tiff, I thought as I scrolled down and caught that first picture under the 'Tiff' heading, that you took a photo of yourself at Gym!! Ha ha! You look AWESOME!! And I do believe that I gave you that record single of Funky Town for a birthday present and we cranked it up in your sound lounge at Shadow Brook and went off!! Wow, that's a long time ago. Great memories.
Pseudo Echo, werent they so cool!loved funky town, and actually I still like that song!But omygosh at that hair!!And flashdance, didnt that movie kick ass!
ps.I think I still have that pseudo echo album record here somewhere!
Onya Tiff ... I used to wear those gloves to school every now and then ! ... and my boys use that same gel stuff now !!
another Tom C fan..and A-Ha...those were the days of big hair and awful fashion..but we all did it!! he he
Ditto to all the above except Tom C.... Those were the days... TFS Michelle
Zan. I remember the LOUD music in the sound lounge. and yes they were the days. You have an AWESOME memory. and lol. I wish that was Flash Dance me. I havent seen my waist that small since school lol.
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