Hi Amanda
Here are a few of my memories from the past...

2. Winky DinkRemember this little ball of pink fluff on Saturday Mornings?? Loved all the cartoons back then too.

4. AbbaCan you keep a secret?? I loved this band! My cousin and I used to have the hair brushes out and sing along...hmmm I think I will stop there ... lol

5. Charlies Angels.This show was one of my favourites...still remain in awe at how they could run in those heels....

6. Trixie Belden series.Spent many hours curled up reading these books.... so many mysteries!
These are just a few... My brain went into overload when I started to think back! Cheers for now.Sandra
fantastic memories Sandra! and check out that price on the book!! $1.50 LOL. I could identify with so many of these!
Oh Sandra, I love "The Wizard of OZ" I can remember mum letting me stay up late to watch it when it was on TV, it was one of the first movies I bought on DVD when we first got our player, and my kids love watching it now. Trixie
Belden, I was going to do that one aswell, I still have all the books some stuck up with sticky tape (which has perished now!)
Karen D :)
Oh what great ones Sandra!! Loved Hey Hey too, and Abba, oooh and Charlies Angels....now which one did you want to be like?? We all wanted Farrah's long longs with the flick back hair..... but i think i wanted to be a Jacqueline Smith (was that her name??...the long dark hair one)
Yes this is more my era!! Although we didn't have TV so not Charlie's Angels and only Hey Hey when I was in High School!!!!
I loved Trixie Belden books too!
lol Sue,
I wanted to be Jaclyn Smiths character too (Kelly)
Would LOVE to get hold of those Trixie Belden books for Teagan to read.. might have to try at the library... but I won't hold my breath. any chance of a lend Karen?? Will replace with brand new sticky tape if I need too!
hey sandra, I too thought that winky dink was just adorable! I think also I used to love bazil brush??[is that his name?]he was a talking dog or fox I think!
and charlies angels rocked, I also enjoyed the new charlies angels movies too.Trixie Belden I enjoyed too.
Hi Sandra,
I loved 'Hey Hey' too (I hear that it's making a come back later this year !) .. and The Wizard of Oz brings back great memories. I used to think the Charlie's Angels were sooo pretty .. and Abba is very popular in our house at the moment. Bree plays the Mamma Mia DVD every other day atm and makes me dance to all the songs with her (she knows a lot of the words to the songs - and to the script of the movie little tike !!)
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