Monday, June 30, 2008
my man (of sorts)

So I haven't done my man page yet.... I will but it will probably be late.... i can see it in my mind....just got to keep it there until the new printer rocks up.
So in the mean time I have finished a totally unrelated one. I thought I'd post it just to show I haven't sitting back on my butt and just watching you lot creating madly.
Journaling says 'Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. - Nathaniel Hawthorne.
How about we make it a mission for everyone to get just one new person to look at the blog and to leave a comment for themselves. Just give them the blog address or send them the link in an email. Cant wait to hear from 'newbies'
Enough rambling.Tiff
two more 'men' entries

just thought i better add this one in here too. It is an oldie (i did it on the last escape retreat) but it is up there with my favourite pages that i have done. Have only done 2 of greg so i dont have a heap to pick from LOL. I wont have time to do a new page of him this week either - sorry life is crazy atm!!

grab the tissues folks....

Pink Paisley
I finally have gotten around to using this Pink Paisley paper range that i have had in my stash for a few weeks now. I couldn't resist getting it - why do i keep loving pretty girly papers when i have 4 grandsons!!! The range was so easy to work with!, So i share this page with you all...
The journalling reads " we walk and talk, she makes me laugh, she knows me inside out (and loves me anyway), she is my friend".
Happy Scrappin' All :)
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Hi Amanda
attached is a photo of the finished layout of Narrelle...I am really happy with it.
I gave it to Narrelle last Tuesday for her birthday, Barb and Dean loved it.
I was wondering if you could do me a favour? I took this project to 5 loaves (even though I didn't get much done!) and a few of the girls were curious as to what I was trying to achieve... especially with the broken glass etc!( long story!) ANYWAY... I hope it doesn't seem like glory seeking but I was wondering if you could post it on the blog so the girls can finally understand what I was trying to do! If not, thats okay.. as I understand its not a challenge entry..
thanks Amanda

Friday, June 27, 2008
significant other

Thursday, June 26, 2008
an entry from Sandra

Here is my entry for the new challenge You have already seen this layout. It is of my late father in law, Eric. Even though he has passed on, he still has influencing role in our family, through memories.
Challenge 6 from Janice
Challenge 7
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
with loud fanfare -ta da-

this goes to show...

I was into mosaicing a cople of years ago before I started scrapbooking.and did this old toilet and put a plant in it.I love the bright colors of the glass tiles especially the green and orange!anyway the digi LO isnt that good, but I do plan to scrap these photos soon.I was going to do it for this challenge but just didnt have the right papers for it yet!
Challenge 6 (at last)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Sue's Challenge Page
some more entries - thanks girls :)

I love this, thank you Girls for creating this site and the challenges.
I have used my mirror reflection because I am in bed so much, this is pretty much all I see, except my computer screen. The chocolates are on my table for nausea.
These challenges have been so inspiring and I just can't wait for the next one. I've never thought of using something other than using a LO plan.
Again, thank you girls. This is certainly better than playing solitaire.

Monday, June 23, 2008
Just a reminder
this is about the canon photostitch software -(this is free with any canon camera and what Tiff, Meredith and myself have and use)
heaps and heaps of free stitching programs here -
you DO NOT NEED to scan and stitch your pages to email them. Others have taken their pages outside or layed them in a naturally lit area of the house and taken photos looking down on them (watch your shadow)
again i re-iterate YOU CAN SEND IN PHOTOS of the entire page....no stitching required!
Please do not feel as if you can't enter because you can't stitch your scanned images together. Please take the time to look at these free stitching programs or if you prefer not to do that then send in whole photos as stated above.
well i dont know about you but....

Anyway bit slack because Im using just the color factor for inspiration, sorry!
some of you would be aware of my liking for black and red, and have done a LO today of our dog molly, when she was a puppy.
Have been wanting to do a LO of her for a while and have always planned on red, black combo, mostly because shes mostly black with a bit of white and has always had a red collar.Also have a liking for red and black because take lots of photos of the kids playing footy and of course being cougars its the red and black combo also.

Sandra wrote -
Here is my entry for the challenge
I found it really hard..... LOVED IT!
I found this old canister... and used the different colour pears as my inspiration... might try the wardrobe next.
great challenge!
The last entry is mine. I saw this book cover and thought that the placement would work on a page. The journalling is in the strip of paper - just explainin that as some others i have shown haven't realized and actually thought it was that Jenni Bowlin book print patterned paper!
The journalling says -
When you and Georgia were tiny babies i would read to you. I hoped with all my heart that you would grow up to love reading as much as i do. As you got bigger and started school, it became clear very quickly that you would really struggle to learn how to read. We would listen to your readers every night and i felt like you would never get it. With lots of extra help at school, and your perserverance, bit by bit we finally got to a stage where you could read well. Last year Granny bought you some 'go girl' novels and ever since then you have been devouring these with great gusto. I am so proud of how well youread now, and i love hearing the reply to my lights out call at night by you saying 'just one more chapter please mum?'
we are at long last at that place i wished for.
So there have only been 3 takers on this challenge - come on girls! It really isn't that hard. Dig out some of your son's rip curl t-shirts, dig in the pantry, look at magazines, at catalogues and in you bookshelf and see if you can find yourself a dose of everyday inspiration!
Learning how to transfer the things you see everyday onto a page is so exciting! To look at something and say 'ooooh how cool would that look as a layout??!!' is a very handy skill - and kinda an obsession LOL.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
a date to ESCAPE in 2009!
Mark this in your diaries NOW!
Yep the 2009 Escape 2 Create will take place from Friday the 13th of March until Sunday the 15th.
The venue is booked (Nt Shields Lions Hostel) so we are set to go.
Next month Meredith and I will be doing a trip to Melbourne to attend our first retreat run by Scraptacular - a very popular and up to the minute scrap shop! It will be strictly business - no drinking, socializing, smoking, shopping or scrapping but purely getting ideas and bringing them back for you ladies to improve our own scrap retreat! ;) *ahem*
So you see the lengths we will go to - to provide you with the best scrap retreat possible!!!
Start saving, organizing child care and buttering up those husbands! woohoo bring it on! keep checking in here for tit bits of info and sneaky peaks :)
If you would like to go onto our retreat newsletter database to be kept totally up to date with emails etc. please contact Tiff - katmfirth@bigpond.com
To the regular blog go-ers we will not post a new entry here for a few days to allow everyone to see this post and note the new retreat date!
Please pass on the word to all your scrapping friends :) and please leave a comment regarding the retreat (particularly if you are new) Just press the comment button, write your comment, write your name down the bottom of your post and press 'anonymous comment'.
We would love to see/read some familar faces from our last retreat on here!!
a new challenge....and some changes
Apologies to Amy who sent me her entry yesterday but i didn't check my emails until the wee hours of the morning as i was out all day and at meetings at night. Sorry Amy.
Also a note to all that i cannot stitch your scanned images together - sorry if that sounds grumpy but i am finding it very difficult to manage my time at the moment with so much going on.
The next bit of news is in relation to the prizes. So far the prizes have come from a few sources; donated from individuals, scrap stores, and from our retreat prize pool. Because of this we have decided to have a monthly prize instead of a weekly prize. If we continue to use our retreat goodies that we use as giveaways over the weekend, come next year and we will have very little if anything left. And we want to be able to give fantastic prizes away on the retreat too!!!
So for every challenge you go in on the blog your name will go into the hat for the monthly draw. If you do all 4 weekly challenges then you have 4 names in the hat. 4 times the chance of winning if you know what i mean!
We hope you understand and will continue to be involved in our challenges.
Ok so this weeks challenge is - to be inspired by your environment!
A little while back Meredith posted a fantastic example of how a cereal box inspired her to make a page using the same sort of layout used on the cereal box. It was brilliant! I have also showed how i used a magazines table of contents page to help with the layout of a page.
See what you can see around your home and use it to influence a page. Not just a colour etc but the whole thing - how elements are placed and how you can translate that to a page.
T-shirts are great sources of inspiration!
This sort of thing is all around you. Look with fresh eyes at advertising, food packaging and music clips - anything!!!
Send your entries to me WITH a photo of your source of inspiration!
I hope you can be invovled in this one :)
Stay tuned for some exciting retreat news
Heidi Swapp Interview.
Found this on the net. It's an interview by Heidi Swapp reviewing the Epson Stylus Photo R1800.
Its an A3 printer.
Anyway I attached her interview here about digi scrapping.
Thinking of Jenny actually.
Might start scanning more stuff into my pages now.... like the spatula.
click the link and it will make sense....
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Winner is..
Now today, Amanda and I (oh, and my dear little grandson Jacob) drew the winner of this challenge. And Congratualtions to Jenny!!! Thanks for entering your page and i will pop a prize around to you in the next couple of days.
Thanks to our prize pool, the prize this time round are some bits and pieces from the lovely new range K&Co Awning!! Now i am jealous that i couldn't win!!! Well done Jenny and Thanks for taking the effort to join in.
Sorry girls for not commenting more frequently just this week, i have only had time to quickly read my e-mails, so i have seen all the comments and pages coming in.....so tonight just had time to make a quick comment. Glad you are all enjoying the blog....it's great to share our pages!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
another entry!

goodness - and another one!

two more!

Monday, June 16, 2008
welcome Kathryn

Sunday, June 15, 2008
3rd one!!!!!!!
Challenge page
Hope you are all enjoying the weekend ... so nice and sunny here after a cold day at football yesterday.
and another


Saturday, June 14, 2008
Hello, hello, anyone there???
Well we have discovered recently that there are quite a few of you out there that check this little blog out regularly. Dare I say it, some of you check in more than once a day!! OMG :-0
So since we haven't had a post for a few days I thought I would just leave this little note so you have a bit of blah, blah, blah to read!! ;-)
Now, after the scrap night at the Five Loaves Bakery in Cummins last night we know that there are quite a few more blue and brown pages out there so get on and e-mail them to Amanda so we can post them here on the blog.
A big thank you to Katy at the Five Loaves for making a yummy Black Forest cake for black Friday (13th) - apparently it was very nice (I resisted!!).
Even if you are a non-page poster please leave us a message. We know you are out there so check in and say hello. Remember ... the chicks and chooks are here waiting to see what you have to say.
Happy scrappy days!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Maryanne's page!

blue and brown.

Sandra's blue and brown!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Challenge 5