Isnt this what we tell our kids all the time??? Well now it's your turn to button up.
these very handy little items are sooo popular right now. You will see them on so many LOs atm. (Nicole Pomeroy's 'Love this Girl' in SBM january issue pg 43)
I would love to see what creations you come up with using buttons. Whether you use a button as a centre for a bloom, as an embellishment on the page or to actually button something up on a page or OTP project. Whatever.
you dont have to sew them conventionly on a page. Have a look at SBM Master Toni Crane's LO of 'My Boy' in January's SBM on Pg 121.
I did this one the other night and is very boring compared to Nic's button tree so I will endevour to get another one done this week.

so use some imgination and button up.