Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sandra's no. 2
Marika aka - scrap machine

My longish title ...
The title isn't crooked, just my photo taking!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
And for those without 'pointy eyes' , as my once 2 year old son told Nanna, it says "you really enjoyed painting the cobra model with Ian."
Cheers Trish S

Hi Amanda!
Here is my answer to your challenge... and boy did I find it a challenge!
I am still not 100% happy with the title placement.
I have set myself a challenge this year to try something new on each page..
this time it was journalling onto the layout... usually I put it on a tag or journalling strips.
So hence the font being so big!... Lesson learn't. lol
I also feel rather over exposed with the journalling subject... I suppose I could of hidden it... but chose not to.
So sorry, a bit of heavy reading, and I suppose cryptic too.
The photo is of me, at the age of 13.... the journalling is me, at 40, talking to the 13 year old me back then.
Great challenge.. and one I will try again in the future!
I love all your paper placements. The colours you have chosen are fabulous. What a great photo of yourself!!!
The title placement looks excellent to me and wow at your journalling - so personal. I know that i have often scrapped 'difficult' topics and found the art of getting those thoughts down on paper very healing.... I hope you did too Sandra.
famous five (words that is)

Friday, March 27, 2009
Challenge 31
Due to Sue being away, Meredith's computer having a meltdown and Tiff off scrapping.......................i will post another challenge :)
This challenge is
to use
very long title on your page.
Now i haven't done up an example as i honestly haven't had time to scratch myself this week! But i am envisaging titles that have MORE then 5 words in them. No more one worders. Nope to two or even three words.
Let's get all long, big, convoluted and take up a lot of room with your title.
I want it big and loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong.
(title that is)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
spot the diamond
Kerryn's diamonds.
how to comment on the blog
Left click on the word ‘comment’ at the end of each post
A new window appears with a text box
Type in what you would like to say along with your name (important, otherwise unless you have a google account, we have no idea who you are)
Left click Anonymous
Left click ‘publish your comment’
how to save and email a layout to us for display
To email your photo or scanned image of your LO.
Save it as a jpg on your computer
Right click on the file
Send to
Mail Recipient
Left click yes to make Picture smaller
Your email window should open with the file attached
Pop in one of our email addresses
Type in a short spiel about your work
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Maryanne's dimonds.

Marika's diamonds

It is great to still see some retreat girls in that scrapping groove.
Maybe some more diamonds will turn up in my inbox?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sandra's diamonds

Wow Sandra! This is a fabulous interpretation of the diamond challenge. As you can see, they can be as big or as discreet as you like. Sandra has opted for some small series of diamonds (rubons i think?) which look fantastic with her diamond-y ribbon. The green paper and the orange-y tones look awesome together - really striking. And to finish it all off she has used the most beautiful close up shot of T - STUNNING! The journalling is also very very special.
Well done Sandra. You have come so far with your scrapping and i am loving seeing your transformation and confidence grow!
Jenny in the sky with diamonds

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Challenge 30

The bottom section is cut off thanks to my scanner!
sew on and sew forth
Sandra. You are one funny chick with a wicked sense of humor. This is her message in my inbox.
I have finally finished the layout that I started at the retreat.And I used a sewing machine!! You would not believe how big a deal that is for me!I haven't used one since I was kicked out of home economics!.. true story.Thanks to all the girls who encouraged me and especially Marika who helped by threading it and getting it started for me.I am so encouraged by my little effort I am thinking of buying a sewing machine!..(maybe a second hand one in case it ends up with the same fate as the one in home ec class ;)
I did manage to see this one at the retreat in an unfinished state and wowsers, now it is done. And done well. The Puzzle sketch requirements were a butterfly, a journal spot and a flourish to be used amongst the elements on the page.
Totally awesome Sandra. Dont forget to go to Puzzlesketches to give her a vote. (Sandra when does that happen by the way??)
Ps anyone got a second hand sewing machine for sale??
Friday, March 20, 2009
Message from Marika

what a wrap.
Nic was one of the four Adelaide girls that came over and she has put on her blog a glowing rundown of the weekend. she also has same very noice pics too.
have a look and dont forget to leave a comment to say Hi.
she's done it.
Sandra will be published.
She asked me to remove her 'work' from the blog.
You'll find at least the description of what I am excited about here.
In case you cant tell, I am a fair bit excited for her.
So correct me if I am wrong, but does this bring the tally of bloggers published or to be published up to 3?These girls only started submitting projects since being involved on this blog.
That gives me lots of warm fuzzies inside.

We all said the Maryanne had the vintage look down pat. Seems like we weren't the only ones!!!!!
Amanda has a LO in that gallery as well. Congrats chick.
Marika. Which issue is yours in?????? Cant wait to see it.
well done bloggers. To all of you.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Maryanne's retreat LO

Marika's retreat LO

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Kerryn's Retreat LO
Karen steps up

challenge 28 posting your retreat LO
As promised a new challenge for you. Email one of us your favourite LO that you created at the E2C09 Retreat and we will post it for you.
how easy is that. nothing too mind bending. If you have trouble remembering how to email us a LO I'll refresh your memory.
Photograph or scan your LO.
Save on your computer as a Jpg.
Go to your file on the computer.
right click
send to
mail recipient
say yes to making pic smaller (very important step)
your email window should open up with the pic attached
type in one of our email addresses. (you'll find 3 of these on the right sidebar.)
tell us the best bit of your weekend
easy peasy.
Denise E is first off the mark. Actually just as well as it reminded me of my promise. Ta chooky.
This is Denise's granddaughter Kiana. She is so photogenic.

lots of layering with the flourish. Its lovely Denise. Well done. great colour co- ordination too.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
It is done
I arrived at about 10.30 and the place was already humming with activity. Tiff had gotten there early to unlock for the retailers. All of these were busy little bees setting up their various trestles, fluffing their tablecloths and sorting their wares. Sue arrived at about 11 ish and we all gave the birthday girl a big hug and some birthday lovin' (in a non kinky kinda way). She was made to wear her birthday badge (she chose to wear the very small one instead of the one the size of a dinner plate!). Meredith arrived some time in the afternoon - i can't remember exactly when as things were starting to reach frantic pace by that stage. Val and Lorrae also rocked in and were productive in the kitchen and keen to get the party started by coming out every 5 seconds asking if we wanted nibbles on the tables yet or any cheese platters started! Talk about efficient!!
Ally's Scrapinalia
the team :) Amanda, Meredith, Sue, Lorrae, Tiff and Val
Thursday, March 12, 2009
'Twas the night before
'Twas the night before the Retreat,
all through the scrappers homes,
Not a cutter was cutting ,
only stash being honed.
To minimise was the shout,
a near impossible job,
breaks some into a cold sweat,
'can i fit in my thingyabob?'
Eskys packed, panadol in,
photos all done,
now just got to get there,
and have a s**t load of fun.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
wonder where everyone is?
packing maybe?
Sorting photos?
Tomorrow Tiff, Meredith, Sue, me and a band of merry men will trek to NS to do some setting up - big day planned so we can be more organized for Friday.
Will let you in on a secret too. Note to self - do not pack the goodie bags prior to arriving at the venue. Kluger is PACKED TO THE HILT with 50 odd bags with ZERO room for anything other retreat wise let alone anything of mine (sleeping gear, clothes or scrap gear).
Lucky we are coming back tomorrow night so i can sort myself out!!
Would love some comments here on how you think you will spend your weekend at the retreat. How many pages you would like to achieve (set yourself a bit of a goal and see if you can reach it) and your ETA down there. Maybe you could also say WHY you are looking forward to it so much? What do you think will be the best bit?
I know reading about others arriving and thinking about the good time that they plan on having will make me really excited about it all!
Monday, March 9, 2009

Tracey's Mum's gift
Yours in retreat anticipation,